love oath (Official Music Video) - blessing fowobaje

1 year ago

song lyrics:
I'll be your rock, your shining star
in your darkest hour, I will be there
took an oath to love, and endure through storm
and calm stay pure, with mercy as your guiding light
I navigate life, with all my might
as I pledge, to love you forever
took an oath to love, and endure through storm
and calm stay pure, with mercy as your guiding light
with mercy and love, we will weather
and rise above when we all fall
took an oath to love, and endure through storm
and calm stay pure, with mercy as your guiding light
with oath so true, and heart so bold
my love is for you, here and there
took an oath to love, and endure through storm
and calm stay pure, with mercy as your guiding light
endure we will, through thick and thin
we will prevail, all our enemies
took an oath to love, and endure through storm
and calm stay pure, with mercy as your guiding light
our vows we will, take with fervent zeal
and it will be, in our heart forever
took an oath to love, and endure through storm
and calm stay pure, with mercy as your guiding light

kalimat al'ughniati:
sa'akun sakhratak , najmuk allaamie
fi 'ahlak saeatik , sa'akun hunak
'aqsamuu ealaa alhubi walsabr khilal aleasifa
walhudu' abiq tahran , walrahmat nuruk alhadi
'atanqal fi alhayat bikuli quati
kama 'ataeahad , 'an 'uhibak 'iilaa al'abad
'aqsamuu ealaa alhubi walsabr khilal aleasifa
walhudu' abiq tahran , walrahmat nuruk alhadi
bialrahmat walmahabat sawf najtaz
watartafie fawq eindama nasqut kuluna
'aqsamuu ealaa alhubi walsabr khilal aleasifa
walhudu' abiq tahran , walrahmat nuruk alhadi
biqism sadiq jidana waqalb jari' jidana
hubiy lak huna wahunak
'aqsamuu ealaa alhubi walsabr khilal aleasifa
walhudu' abiq tahran , walrahmat nuruk alhadi
sawf natahamal , min khilal alsara' waldaraa'
nantasir ya jamie aeadayina
'aqsamuu ealaa alhubi walsabr khilal aleasifa
walhudu' abiq tahran , walrahmat nuruk alhadi
nahn nakhudh euhudana bighayrat shadida
wasayakun fi qulubina 'iilaa al'abad
'aqsamuu ealaa alhubi walsabr khilal aleasifa
walhudu' abiq tahran , walrahmat nuruk alhadi

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