1996's NASA STS-75 The Tether Incident... accident?!?!?! #UFO #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

1 year ago

TETHER was 12-MILES LONG... see the UFOs about a MILE WIDE hovering above and below it. (read more about Tether below)
Hundreds of UFOs appear out of nowhere to analyze this Tether.

Proof: Flight recordings from 1996's NASA STS-75 mission

On this ninth day of the STS-75 mission, Sunday, February 25, 1996, the Space Shuttle Columbia deployed an EXPERIMENTAL TETHER into orbit. The experiment was called the Tethered Satellite System (TSS- 1R) and it's purpose was to attempt to generate electricity by utilizing Earth's magnetic field.

Unfortunately the tether broke so the experiment was not a success, although approximately five hours of data were recorded.

What really made "The Tether Incident" famous was the appearance of many unidentified flying objects (UFOs) clearly visible in the NASA footage.

The flight crew, Cmdr. Andrew Allen, Pilot Scott Horowitz, Payload Cmdr. Franklin Chang-Diaz, Payload Specialist Umberto Guidoni (Italy), and Mission Specialists Jeffrey Hoffman, Maurizio Cheli (ESA) and Claude Nicollier (ESA), are shown tracking the free-orbiting tethered satellite and performing various experiments from the United States Microgravity Payload-3 (USMP-3). An in-orbit narrative with Allen, Cheli, and Guidoni by the Italian news media is shown. The astronauts talk about a variety of questions concerning the loss of the tethered satellite, and the progress of the other mission experiments.

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