Cocaine found in White House Library | Emergency Coded Audio Released

1 year ago

EMERGENCY CALL RELEASED After Cocaine Found in White House Library – AUDIO

[A LOT of discrepancies on this story as the MSM shields the buydens]

As TGP previously reported, a Hazmat squad was called to the White House on Sunday evening to investigate a suspicious substance, prompting a brief evacuation. An EMS radio recording stated the substance tested positive for cocaine hydrochloride. The discovery came two days after admitted recovering cocaine addict Hunter Biden was seen at the White House as he and his father Joe departed for a long holiday weekend at Camp David.

Hunter’s drug addiction is being used to grant him diversion as part of a sweetheart deal by the Biden Justice Department on a gun crime that would ordinarily be a federal felony.

Monday night, Newsmax reporter James Rosen broke the news that the suspected cocaine was found inside the White House and not on the grounds as earlier reports indicated.

On Tuesday Kristinn Taylor reported that the Secret Service confirmed to the Washington Post that the substance was found inside the White House and had tested positive for cocaine and was being further tested for confirmation.

The emergency dispatch call was released this morning on The Daily Mail.

The call was all in code.

“Repeat, I didn’t copy your results on the Gemini. Gemini’s results are no match. Found with a red bar. No match found in the library. Come on up. We have a result on the Gemini. We have a yellow bar stating cocaine hydrochloride. Path number 53214.”

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