The Revelation Chapter 1

1 year ago

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, the only book of the Bible to confer a direct blessing to the reader, and those who follow it by hearing the word.

Some of my favorite teachers of the word and the way of Yeshua the Christ

Chuck Missler- Koinonia House, online store and on demand free streaming of lessons/shows, partially free channel on Roku, all over YT but especially here: (YT channel) My Special Place
***UPDATE! - I can't beleive I left this off initially as he is one of my top favorite teachers behind Chick Missler- John Kostic (channel name YT)- The ancient Hebrew language and the God Math series are next level

Jack Hibbs -

Dr. David Jerimiah
FAI Studios- YT, the revelation series, Noah series, movie Sheep Among Wolves
Voddie Baucham
John McCarthur

If you're looking for a perfect teacher....the only one I know of is in Heaven and holds the Seven Stars in his right hand, and walks amongst the 7 golden lamp stands. Check everything I say, and everything they say - vs the Word of YHVH, and the testimony of Jesus.

May the Lord bless you all, may the Lord, our God, the Lord keep a hedge about you and your families, may the Lord secret you all away in the storm in one of His many rooms.
In the name of Yeshua Hamashiac
I pray

Why is it focused on the Bible? You should see my hair....The production value guy is ------> that way.

Also- a correction - I said Jesus died for everyone, everywhere, of all time -
this excludes prior to his birth/death where salvation was only through the LAW.
Part of the miracle of Christ is that we have been freed of the law, and now (for a very short time) live under GRACE, because of Jesus sacrifice.

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