Monstrous Lies | The Deceit is Intentional

1 year ago

#truth #lies #propaganda

The statist philosophical system is riddled with flaws and intentional flaws. Even intelligent individuals don’t escape these. These are then accepted by the masses. These may be obvious to some, but these get through due to reason. The only means to fight these is through the use of reason. Reason is a shortcoming of the human mind. These flaws infect the human mind and are incompatible with truth.

There is not an advantage with compromise. On one side is truth, the other side is false. To compromise with the truth is accepting defeat. Just because a fallacy is popular doesn’t mean it is true. A contradictory theory is contradictory in reality. Likewise, something bad in reality is bad in theory—i.e., the 20th century. Facts may not convince some, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad argument. The only tool we have to fight monstrous lies is reason.

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