Metroid 1 - Fused Facility

1 year ago

#FusedFacility by #Roebloz is a #metroid (NES) hack.

The Level design and changes in this hack are top notch for a Metroid 1 Hack, I never felt that lost like I did in OG Metroid. However the hardware cannot support the amount of objects on the screen at time and there is slowdown up the Wazoo around every corner. Like lots of NES games this causes you to be patient but also frustrated. If I could change one thing about this hack it would be reducing enemy count and making up for it with more tricky platforming (which is present in parts). It is expected in boss rooms with all the projectiles but in normal areas it's an annoyance that could have been padded out.

There were also a couple places where I could not figure out how to get to even with a map handy. The difficulty is a bit on the hard-side and I had to use save states often for my own sanity.

I would recommend but only if you love OG Metroid.

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