UFO Footage 2023 - Over 50 UAP Orbs Found in the Ocean by Harvard Scientists - UFO Sightings News

1 year ago

UFO Footage 2023 - Over 50 UAP Orbs Found in the Ocean by Harvard Scientists - UFO Sightings News

Harvard Scientist Retrieves Pieces of a UFO that was able to make it through entry into our atmosphere before crashing into the ocean, possible mostly intake.

Some small orbs that were retrieved from the crash site are now being analyzed and the results are expected within a few weeks and promsided to be shared with the public. This is something to keep an eye on. The preliminary results suggest this object came from outside our solar system and possible our galaxy. New technology is allowing sceintists at harvard iuniversdity to easily spot which meteors come from outside our proximity. This is likely not the first time this has occurred, and likley not the last visitor we find coming to earth.

The Scientist from Harvard explains in detail how he made this alien discovery...

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