Baptism Using The Names Of The Father Son & Ruach. Part 3. Special Guest Jason Vanhuyssteen

1 year ago

Part 3

Followers of The Way have been struggling with the basic principles and oracals of Yahweh so much so that we've fallen away from keeping The Commandments, Baptism, Covenants, and the list goes on. Question, how does any beliver think they have right to any covenant given by Yahweh expect to have salvation by changing His Torah (first five books) of the Scrolls? The latest trend or false doctrine swaying not just Christians but Torah or Law keepers as well is that we only need to baptize in the name of Yeshua The Son of Yahweh. This is a clear indication that people who say they know Him truly have no idea what His words says and who He is as our Elohim. The biggest problem we have today is teacher, preachers, pastors, priests, who are teaching that we're in a New Covenant, that the Torah isn't for us, once saved always saved, pre tribulation rapture, and now that we don't need to use all three names as it's clearly taught in both The Old Testament and New yet we have doctrines swaying belivers from one end of the earth to the other. Suducing spirits are continually flooding apps, bibles, and teachers who don't know Yahweh and they prey on those who think they have knowledge by giving them likes and followers to boost their ignorance as they scatter the flock and they will be held to a much higher level of accountability according to YAHWEH. Time is too short to be playing silly games with little boys who want to play church without being able to backup anything they say with scripture in it's proper context. The truth is that Yahweh gave the laws, commandments, and statues through the covenant He made with us not Yeshua. However without The Son we have no forgiveness of sin's and without forgiveness of sin's we cannot receive The Ruach aka Yahweh's Spirit. If you're truly searching for truth then grab a pen, pad, and follow along with us through all of the teachings on this topic. We understand that these teachings are long and take time to understand but isn't that what we're called to do? Study to show yourself approved of Yahweh and your knowlege will increase just as we have and are now sharing with you. The only reason this page exists is because we understand that the remnant or valley of dry bones is waking up and we too had to learn these things in order to be able to share it with you as we were commanded to do. If you're willing to learn we are willing to teach regardless of how long it takes and as always we encourage you to test everything we share in any teachings posted on this page. We pray that you'll take the time to go through these teachings that we've laid out and made simple to understand after years spending time with The Father in His word and following in the footsteps of our Messiah. Yah bless!

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