Chlorine Dioxide Destroys COVID-19 Plandemic With Real Science and Real Testimonies

1 year ago

In this video, Dr. h.c.. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker explains simply and clearly, with facts and scientific data, what CDS is, how and why it works and much more, based on scientific studies and measurements.

So the next question after doing your own research will be how do I get started with chlorine dioxide?

Unfortunately in the USA and other tyrannical countries controlled Doctors are afraid to practice real solutions. If these Doctor were not controlled this Plandemic could have been eliminated immediately.

For the few people that found the truth about chlorine dioxide actually thrived during the Plandemic and to our amazement destroyed the same named dis-eases that the dealth care system failed to solve. All by design by the way. Health people are bad Pharmakeia comsumers.

So important question remains. How do I begin to see the light and learn about chlorine dioxide?

Join the Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies community and become your own Doctor for the win! It is really the only way because together we win!

To learn more by joining the following free groups below. We have a team of volunteers to guide you to the new knowledge.

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