July 4, 2023

1 year ago

USS Maine, Port of Havana
Pearl Harbor, Naval Facility
JFK Dallas Intermodal Port Authority
Mary Pinot Meyer, Canal Tow Path Georgetown
George Sulivan Filmore Auditorium, Port of San Francisco
Sharon Tate, Abigail Folger, RKO Radio Pictures
Leno LaBianca, Disney Brothers Complex
Paul Stine, Presideo Heights ARMY Base
Dr Victor Ohta family, Fort Ord ARMY Base
Jeffrey McDonald family, Fort Bragg ARMY Base
Huey Newton, Port of Oakland
People Temple Agriculture Project, Port of British Guayana
Jim Jones, Port of British Guayana
Bill Graham, Skaggs Island Naval Weapons Radio Facility
William Egan Colby, Rock Point Maryland
Timothy Leary, Cielo Drive murder scene at 10106 Sunbrook Drive.
Jon Benet Ramsey, Lockheed
Hunter S. Thompson, CIA journalist, Aspen Colorado
911 World Trade Center destruction, Port of New York

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