Day 4 of 30 Gong Challenge Chiron Gong: Affirmations

1 year ago

The power of affirmations

The power of affirmations is often underestimated. We often think that simply repeating certain phrases to ourselves will not make a difference in our lives. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Affirmations are a powerful tool that can help us manifest our desires and achieve our goals.

When you repeat an affirmation to yourself, you are programming your subconscious mind to believe it. And as you know, the subconscious mind is incredibly powerful. It is responsible for 95% of our behavior. So, if you want to change your life, you need to start using affirmations.

The 30-Day Chiron Gong Challenge is all about using the power of affirmations to improve your life. For Day 4 of the challenge, we will be focusing on the affirmation “I am worthy of love and respect.”

Why you should do the 30-Day Chiron Gong Challenge

The 30-Day Chiron Gong Challenge is a powerful way to work on personal and spiritual growth. Through the power of affirmations, you can make positive changes in your life and start to manifest the things you truly desire. This challenge involves repeating an affirmation to yourself every day for 30 days.

Some of the benefits of this challenge include:

1. Building Self-Confidence: When you use affirmations daily, you are building your self-confidence and self-esteem, allowing you to become more self-assured and comfortable in your skin.
2. Making Positive Changes: Affirmations can help you make positive changes in your life. Oftentimes, the changes we wish to make require us to believe in ourselves before we’re able to take action.
3. Re-Wiring Your Mind: Affirmations can help re-wire and reprogram your mind positively, allowing you to view yourself and the world around you in a new light.

If you’re looking to make a positive change in your life, the 30-Day Chiron Gong Challenge is a great way to get started!

What are some affirmations you can use?

Many people think that affirmations must be incredibly positive, but they don’t have to be. Affirmations can also be used to bring awareness to potential areas of growth and help you work on positive changes. Here are some affirmation suggestions for the 30-Day Chiron Gong Challenge:

1. I am strong and capable of achieving my goals.
2. I trust my decisions and am confident in my abilities
3. I am open to learning and growing both mentally and spiritually.
4. I am thankful for the obstacles in my life that help me become stronger and wiser.
5. I believe in my potential and will strive to reach it.
6. I am brave enough to take risks and love myself regardless of the outcome.
7. I am enough, and I deserve love, joy, and abundance.
8. I am creating a life I love, one day at a time.

How to use affirmations to manifest your dreams

Using affirmations to manifest your dreams is easier than you think. If you’re not sure how to begin, here are some steps to jump-start your journey:

1. Choose 1-3 affirmations that resonate with you. Pick something you believe in, something that’s the truth to you.

2. Visualize what it would look like and feel like if you achieved your goals. Spend a few moments or up to a few minutes focusing on what you visualize for yourself.

3. Bring your attention to the physical state of your body. Are you adding tension, releasing tension, or feeling neutral? Notice any physical sensations.

4. Repeat your affirmations silently to yourself 5-10 times. For example, “I am strong and capable of achieving my goals.”

5. Allow the affirmation to sink into your system. Allow it to become part of your reality, allowing the vibration to flow through your body.

6. Allow yourself to feel the shift. Notice the shift in energy and your physical body.

7. End your practice feeling grateful. Whether or not you can see the results of your affirmations yet, be sure to end on a positive note and feel grateful for the intention you set.

Using affirmations in this way can be a powerful tool in helping you to manifest your dreams. Regularly repeating your affirmations creates a new vibration in your energy body and brings healing.

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