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![My Thoughts About American "Independence"](
My Thoughts About American "Independence"
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My Thoughts About American "Independence"
No, We're Not. We're All Slaves to the Babylon System.
We're not "independent" in the least. Every dollar you spend has debt attached to it that slowly harvests your wealth from YOU and gives it to the LEAST deserving of it in our world. Until this system is completely dissolved, you are dependent on it, in one way or another. This is NOT freedom. This is a form of neo-feudalism and it's time for humanity to rise up against our oppressors once again.
Every firework explosion you hear to day represents another sycophant to a system which abuses them daily, but believe they are somehow "free & independent." I won't celebrate anything until we have dismantled this legacy System of enslavement for good.
Happy Independence Day...? video
I haven’t ‘celebrated’ Independence Day in well over a decade. Yeah, sure, it’s a “national holiday” and the time of year we supposedly remember and honor the day that the founding fathers of America put their very lives on the line by signing a Declaration of Independence from the tyrannical rule of England’s King George III. But, it’s much more than that and a history that has been completely forgotten by today’s entitled generations.
The colonies had already been at war with the British Empire for well over a year by this time due to the Intolerable (or Coercive) Acts that imposed restrictions on trade, taxation on goods, expansion of British Territory, and the withdrawal of Massachusetts’ charter for self rule which brought it fully under control of the British Parliament and Monarchy. This even more heavily restricted the freedoms and self-government that the colony had enjoyed since 1691.
Outraged by the imposition of these new Acts, the people of Massachusetts began to organize and formed the First Continental Congress in September of 1774 to protest these newly imposed restrictions. To set the stage, however, we should go back just over a decade to 1763 and the end of the Seven Years’ War, otherwise known as The French and Indian War. This war had put the British government so deeply into debt that they imposed a series of taxes on the colonies to force them into paying their “fair share” in maintaining the British Empire. But, the colonists wanted nothing to do with that and protests ultimately led to the repeal of both the Stamp and Townshend Acts. Despite this, the British Parliament still stood by their assertion as written into the Declaratory Act of 1766 that they indeed, “had the right to legislate for the colonies in all cases whatsoever.” This attitude of superiority caused a rift between the old and new countries.
The decade leading up to the American Revolution had many colonists questioning the jurisdiction of the British Parliament at all over the sovereignty of the newly formed colonies. At the time, the colonies were still operating under British Parliamentary rule, however they didn’t have any representation in Parliament, and thus argued that they could not be held liable for “taxation without representation.” Eventually, this indignation led to a patriot group known as the Sons of Liberty destroying 342 chests of tea in Boston that had been owned by The British East India Company in December of 1773. In retaliation, the British Parliament enacted the Coercive acts as punishment for the Boston Tea Party and brings us full circle to the atmosphere surrounding the spark of the American Revolution.
Having been under the oppression these new Acts imposed upon them, the colonists were getting restless and had been formulating plans for revolution and the formation of a new Colonial government. In an attempt to put down the resistance they were getting from the Patriot movement, British forces made an attempt to take and destroy American militia supplies to thwart the effort. Having been warned of this impending confiscation of their arsenal, the Patriots moved the supplies to various different locations, but British forces of approximately 700 soldiers descended upon Lexington at sunrise on the morning of April 19, 1775 to search for the munitions. Eight American militia men were killed in the initial assault and this would become known as “the shot heard ‘round the world,” a term coined by Ralph Waldo Emerson in “Concord Hymn.” This officially started the war for American independence.
However, it would take another 15 months before the new nation would declare its sovereignty from the British crown. It wasn’t until July 2, 1776 that an official resolution of independence was passed by the new Continental Congress and the final text of America’s Declaration of Independence was approved and signed on July 4th, 1776. The war would rage on officially for another 5 years, finally ending on October 19, 1781, exactly 6 ½ years to the day after the first battle at Lexington and Concord. The final resolution of the conflict would be confirmed nearly 2 years later when the Treaty of Paris was signed, officially signifying America’s complete separation from British rule.
This is what we supposedly celebrate in America every July 4th. However, you barely even hear it called Independence Day anymore. Every single advertisement I’ve seen or statement I’ve heard about this day now refers to it as simply, “The Fourth of July.” No mention of Independence at all. Perhaps it’s because we are no longer independent and they just want to keep the illusion of freedom going?
And ask almost anyone today if they know anything about this history and if they appreciate the men who fought so hard to create this nation and probably less than 1% of the population could come close to summarizing the story. Everything now is taken for granted and we are ALL “privileged” to be living in this nation, no matter what our skin color, ethnicity, or beliefs. Almost NO ONE knows or understands history OR the objective concept of freedom. They only think they do.
But, are we REALLY free? Is the independence from a tyrannical government or any imposition of force against our free will still a reality today? Look around. I would tend to disagree, wholeheartedly. Again, our ‘freedom’ is merely a finely crafted, false reality to make us believe we have freedom of choice, freedom of speech, and freedom of movement. We don’t. And what was fought against over 240 years ago pales in comparison to the restrictions, taxation, control, and suppression of human and individual rights under which we live today. So, where are the Patriots of today? Where is the outrage? Where is the resistance? Have we been completely conquered? Again, look around.
We have 6000 years of recorded history to learn from now. We can see the disastrous effects of allowing opportunistic people to take hold of the reins of power over an entire nation, or states, counties, cities, and even your home owners’ association; a new and special breed of control freak. Something needs to change. We live in completely different times now. Communication is instantaneous. We are connected world wide in a way we’ve never been before. Ideas can spread virtually overnight and people can unite in ways never before imagined. Natural Law is understood as superior to man’s or “legal” law. Yet, it is ignored in every court in America as we are operating under a system that acknowledges admiralty or maritime law over Natural Law and our Natural Rights.
Why are we still living under ideas created over 2 centuries ago when travel and communication took days or weeks and life was simpler, but more demanding, physically? Society has evolved, but the form of government has stagnated and devolved. We are back to a form of command and control that simply can no longer exist if humanity is to ever have the level of freedom to which we are entitled as a birth right! We are living in a new Dark Age of feudalism and religious rule. The new priests are the Medical Mafia Cartel and it is heresy to speak out against their dictates. They control all the nations of the entire world right now under a perverted form of science called scientism. Nothing is as it seems and the truth is kept tightly obscured and occulted while their agenda for complete control moves ever forward out of the public eye.
We are born sovereign, yet the moment our parents sign the birth certificate, our sovereignty is usurped and we become property of government. Oh, you didn’t realize that? It’s because you were never taught and you never sought the TRUTH. We are ALL slaves to the system running the world into the ground and creating a nightmarish dystopian future highlighted by the elimination of free will. It’s time to wake up to reality.
Noah Webster, one of the preeminent intellectuals of the early American Republic and founder of Webster’s Dictionary, had argued that a nation’s constitution and laws should only be viable for a generation or less. In a December 1787 article published in American Magazine concerning the Bill of Rights to the US Constitution, he wrote,
“The very attempt to make perpetual constitutions, is the assumption of a right to control the opinions of future generations; and to legislate for those over whom we have as little authority as we have over a nation in Asia.”
Yet, here we are, 233 years after the ratification of our Constitution and we are still living under a perpetual CONstitution. Who is asking these questions? Lysander Spooner famously wrote his magum opus, “No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority” based on similar ideas. Our only obedience is to Natural Law. Everything else that refutes that is an attempt to enslave and control.
Where are the intellectuals of our day? Oh, yes, that’s right. Their voices are censored, ridiculed and drown out by the controlled 24/7 media cycle that has brainwashed an entire society that an invisible contagion (which has never even been scientifically proven to exist using Koch’s Postulates) can and will make them VERY ill (or someone else) if they don’t keep their distance and wear a mask. Can we see the problem here? Is it the corporate controlled media? Is it our corporate controlled government? Or is it our inability to see through the smoke and mirrors. Where is Toto when you really need him?! What happened to critical thinking?
Thank you for reading Kaizen and The Pursuit of Truth. This post is public so feel free to share it.
We don’t have a government that represents the people’s will.
We have a government that only represents the will of their masters; the ones who fund their campaigns so that they can hold on to the reins of power and continue the overt theft of our wealth. The system is broken. The system is archaic. The system needs to be abolished. Period. There is no fixing it. As it is, we are already living under all 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto! How much more worse do things need to get?!
We have better ideas and better people that can run things. Compared to the control, taxation, regulation, and thought manipulation we live under in 2020, the impositions upon Colonial America are quantitatively insignificant compared to today. So why celebrate “independence” from a tyrannical government when what we have allowed to grow like a cancer around us is many factors WORSE than what the Founding Fathers fought against? Throw another burger on the grill and crack open another Bud Light. Blow off some more fireworks to annoy your neighbors. Yay! Freedom!
If anyone really understood history, they would realize that we have once again been conquered and are now living under a form of control much, much more egregious and draconian than what the founding fathers had to endure that caused them to rise up in resistance to the ruling class. But, instead of resisting all I see is submission, acquiescence, and tolerance of ever more restrictions on our freedoms and lives as the years pass. And the masses just roll over, completely oblivious to it all.
There is much more that needs to be said, written and communicated. There is much more that needs to be learned and understood by the masses. There is much more that needs to be done to achieve the critical mass humanity needs to reach the tipping point where we can abolish the old paradigm and usher in a new era of abundance, prosperity and a level of freedom never experienced by anyone alive today.
The time has come. It’s time for the second American Revolution. It’s time for the first world wide rEVOLution! It’s time for The Great Awakening to manifest. It’s time for humanity to finally grow up, evolve to higher levels of consciousness and cast off the chains of mental slavery, the illusion of freedom, and to really taste the fruits of what we could and should have become by now. Government must be abolished and a new entity put in its place that respects Natural Law, Natural Rights and the sovereignty of the Individual. Nothing short of that will suffice.
I leave you today with one more message. This is from the document passed by the brave founders of America 244 years ago this very day:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness…
…But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”
Yes, “it is the RIGHT of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government” and “it is their RIGHT, it is their DUTY, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.” The founding fathers fought for THEIR freedom. It is our responsibility to fight for OURS .
THIS is the document and ideology we celebrate today.
Need I say more?
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We Must restore Law and Order video
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Group team in the Republics
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We must end this Fraud - It's time to be organized on Solution - the Solution is You!
Regarding municipal politics and how they have been captured by the globalists...
Please read and pass this on to others!
How municipal politics in your local community has been stolen by a company called Canada. The Newley hired CEO is continuing the globalists United Nations plans to a key!
It's important to get this information into as many mayoral candidates’ hands as possible.
There was a restructuring of "mayors" by the United Nations that started in 1992.... it helps to know how it was done in order to undo it....
On the Globalist website are all the founding UN documents are listed under Resources. This is how we learned about the fraud of public/private partnerships & how they got to our town & Mayor.
A brief summary:
CANADA - which we need to comprehend is and never been a country nor have they ever had the authority to govern any of us. Once more grasp the magnitude of this fraud the faster we end it and restore law and order for we the people.
Canada CEO Brian Mulroney at the time signed on to UN Agenda21 in 1992 A total of 178 other CEOs who have unlawfully hijacked these nations and they call themselves the Kings or Rulers of these 178 countries agreed to this international agreement that guaranteed them huge bribes. "big money" to go "green".
Once signed, CANADA Board of directors - Private Membership club most call politicians or Crime Ministers . became a UN Member State (Nation State) & no longer a "sovereign country" under the rule of law & the supremacy of man and woman.
All the nations were unlawfully stolen and the private Membership club of criminals used their illegal activities on uneducated men and woman.
These criminal board members conspired that any of their de-facto countries that signed on to UN Agenda21 ceased to be a "nation" & all their governments were restructured as UN MEMBER STATES. All towns were to be either abandoned or merged with others to form UN CITY STATES.
By 2000, we saw countries being "governed" by directions of the United Nations, G7, G20, Council of Foreign Relations, World Bank, World Economic Forum (WEF), World Health Organization, International Council on Local & Environmental Issues (ICLEI) etc... instead of soverign men and women who are the true owners of the land and their community.
The entire parliamentary system has been a 100 percent fraud.
The Municipal Primer, was sent to all of our local towns in 1994 & it outlined how they were to restructure their governments.
Our public officials/office - which is your elected Mayor & councilors - were "partnered" with a private corporation (CITY) that would "help" the local agenda implement these global goals HERE.
Chief Administrative Officers (CAOs) were brought into every town to "work" with the Mayor to implement the global agenda instead of a local one.... to commit local public funds to private sustainable development goals & foreign investors. Under the guise of "saving the planet".
They also brought ICLEI into your town... this is the United Nations... (Cam Guthrie partnered with them & they tell him what to do.)
Government restructuring included rewriting our local laws & this became the Municipal Act, 2001 - which initiated amalgamation, regionalization & incorporation of independent, autonomous local towns into a private 'governing' environment.
The Municipal Act converted the public Mayor (head of local government) to a private Head of Council (for the CITY) which basically makes him answer to a BOARD & controllable. The BOARD determines their own "Code of Conduct".... which means ZERO liability for ALL of this, while the United Nations/ICLEI steal everything.... right in your town.
Which is why we are where we are today.... in a "corporatocracy" - where the corporations/partnerships (The CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF (Your City), International Council on Local & Environmental Issues-ICLEI, non-government "public health agencies etc.) CONTROL EVERYTHING & we no longer have a say.... AND we no longer have a local government protecting us.
The Plan is simply is to UNINCORPORATE the Mayor, councilors & your City from these global partnerships, agreements & UN financial commitments we are not obligated to pay for. This frees up all our local tax base etc. & back under our control.
We intend to restore the "local public administration) which many refer to as government" to independence/autonomy from CITY "MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT". We will establish an independent local financial system (co-op bank?) for property tax etc deposits & immediate payments for local services - outside the control of the corporations.
If this "corporatocracy" is not fixed here at the local level, foreign investors will continue to treat you and your respective town/city and community like customers or collateral & your City WILL BECOME A CITY STATE. They are foreign companies - they don't care, they don't live here like you & i. They can't be negotiated with. The CITY Board of Directors are all invested HEAVILY in the WEF & SDGs.
Your Mayor & councilors MUST be independent from global interests. Their jurisdiction is LOCAL ONLY. Unincorporating is the only solution. I haven't seen a better one & we MUST educate this process to stop this corruption.
You will run in to difficulties as many of these mayors and previous mayors and council members were all involved in this sinister plot. We don't have any more time to waste - the children are all in crisis from this coup d'etat & need immediate help. We can get it to them in less than a month if people understand how to take back their Mayor & their power.
We would be honoured to help us do so.
Please contact me if you have questions, but it helps to know how we undo this if you understand how, it was done....
if they incorporated our "public" into "private", we simply unincorporate them.... 'Mayor Secret meetings' are fraud... a public servant does NOT negotiate behind closed doors with globalists... but he LEGALLY can if he is operating "privately". FRAUD.
If you know a lawyer, send them this. They have been CRIMINALLY silent about ALL OF THIS. I'd like to hear their "explanation".
Thanks & We look forward to meeting you on this project!
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Zoom 5 - 10 Eastern Time, Daily or phone in 647 374 4685 meeting ID 694 548 9985
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Dallas Hills Presents the Sovereign Constitution: Powerful Information
Constitution of The Sovereign Republic of (Liberty)
We at are coming together to create Natural Sovereign Law Republics, by taking the towns back and turning them into Self-Governing Republics where we the people are in charge, and instead of politicians, we hire and fire administrators to look after the affairs and services in our own towns we need in order to thrive and survive.
As a matter of fact, we are also creating our own new monetary systems for our own towns where we the people are in control, and are based on something that is real, like a labour-backed dollar, or something based on our own internal intrinsic value.
Our Zoom Room at 5 -10 PM Daily or phone in 647 374 4685 meeting ID 694 548 9985
This is the first Natural Law Constitution created by:
We the People, For the People, Of the People.
The choice of Sovereignty emanates from man and woman and from no other source. In the past, tyrannical forces were exercised against peaceful men and women to subjugate them, and such naked aggression is a crime against humanity. We the Sovereigns wholeheartedly make our stand against any such tyranny. A lawful Constitution in alignment with Natural Law is the only solution.
We are a group of Sovereigns who have prepared a draft Constitution for your review, consideration, and ratification by the Sovereigns at your local level, for the purpose of creating a Constitutional Convention. Self-sufficient Sovereigns at the local level shall have their own Constitution and will gain alliances as participation grows.
The Sovereigns' Constitution nullifies all unlawful policies, unnatural laws, and unconstitutional documents regardless of their origin. The Constitution guarantees a Natural Law system to protect and secure our Unalienable Rights now and for future generations.
PART ONE - Sovereign Republic
The Sovereign Republic of (Liberty) is Independent wherein the Sovereigns are the source of all decision making. Life, Liberty, Prosperity, Property, Land, Airspace, Water, all beds of navigable and non-navigable waters, and any resources are all Sovereigns’ Unalienable Rights.
The Republic of (Liberty) shall be comprised of branches responsible and accountable to the Sovereigns. Within those branches are hired employees who will implement and manage the directives and final decisions made by the Sovereigns.
Sovereign funds are issued by the Treasury Branch, a monetary system that is owned by all the Sovereigns, based on a labor backed note and ensures a strong and self-reliant future.
PART TWO - Sovereigns’ Unalienable Rights
The Unalienable Rights of the Sovereigns are protected by Natural Law. Unalienable Rights are inherent gifts from your Creator. A Sovereign cannot surrender, sell, or transfer their Unalienable Rights and they cannot under any circumstances be removed, abandoned, or taken by force, duress, threat, or coercion. All Sovereigns are equal within Natural Sovereign Law.
PART THREE - Income Taxes
All Sovereigns in the Republic of (Liberty) have the right to tax free income, no man or woman will pay tax on their labor.
PART FOUR - Spiritual Beliefs
The Republic of (Liberty) recognizes Sovereigns have the Unalienable Right to Practice Spiritual Beliefs within Natural Law:
Spiritual beliefs must not interfere, violate, harm, or infringe on others or their property.
All Sovereigns must treat others with lawful and moral respect regardless of individual beliefs.
All places of worship must be fully transparent and accessible to all Sovereigns and Administration.
The Republic of (Liberty) Treasury must not fund any Spiritual beliefs or Ideologies.
International funding is unlawful for any Spiritual Beliefs or Ideologies.
PART FIVE - Free Speech
This written Constitution is in accordance with Natural Law, upholding the right of all Sovereigns to freely express themselves in all situations without any form of direct or indirect threat or harm.
PART SIX - Unalienable Right to Protect Yourself and Property
It is the Sovereigns’ Unalienable Right to possess and bear arms for the use of survival and protection. Access to own and use ammunition must not be restricted. Sovereigns have the Unalienable Right to engage in any lawful means required to protect life and property.
The Right to Hunt, Trap, and Fish for sustenance cannot and must not be restricted.
The Right to Self-Defence must require the Sovereign man or woman to only deploy as much force as necessary to neutralize or remove the threat.
The Sovereigns have the lawful right to a well-regulated Militia which is essential for the security of a Free Republic.
PART SEVEN - Treason
The Republic of (Liberty) and its Sovereigns’ must not tolerate Treason in any form. Any attempt to harm or overthrow the Republic or undermine the Constitution of the Sovereigns’ is treasonous and therefore any perpetrator must face a Grand Jury.
PART EIGHT - Sovereign Protections
The following are the protective measures to guarantee Sovereigns are the final decision-makers within the Republic:
Any revision to the Constitution must require one hundred percent of the voting Sovereigns’ votes. Any amendment to an Article of the Constitution must require seventy-five percent of the voting Sovereigns’ votes.
Each Sovereign receives one ballot: yes or no. Any proposed revisions to the Constitution or amendments to the Articles must be posted at the Republic of (Liberty) head office through Multi-Media
The Plan To Free Humanity Video
The globalists’ war on Communities has entered its final stages: Many are ready to fall like dominoes
UNDRIP - Bylaws and the theft of your Property
The Plan To Free Humanity Video
“What can we do?” We have been informing everyone for years that we must unite as one force large enough to leave their system en masse so that the predator class has no ability to stop us, simply due to lack of resources.
Click the Image to watch video - Every Canadian Must see - Canada a Country without a Constitution
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