What You Can Do With A Small Mobile Home

1 year ago

Phil walks you through a project we have improving an old late 60's early 70's mobile home. He shows you where the original owners added to it over a 20 year period. Then walks you through some of the things we have done and are doing to improve the property even more.

00:00 Intro
00:12 A wall we're going to remove, the original owners built it up
00:30 Believe it or not, this is a mobile home
00:55 1960's mobile home
01:15 Where they added onto the master bedroom
01:30 We're moving the windows for our customer
02:00 An addition onto the mobile home
02:20 Another add-on area
02:35 We'll be adding decks so each bedroom can step out on a deck
02:55 Bluff line that they are going to add a deck an staircase to
03:15 Changing what used to be an open air sewer into a deck
03:35 End of the mobile home with an add-on
04:20 Totally changed the kitchen cabinets, windows and doors
04:50 More bluff line, amazing views to this property
05:10 Possibly add another deck up on the bluff line
05:40 We will remove the cut-down trees
06:00 An example of what you can do with a small mobile home over 20 years
06:25 One thing he offers is you can change your mind
06:40 They want to sit in a dining area and be able to see the bluff line
07:15 What we're going to do with that wall
07:25 Also put new flooring into the place

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#SmallHome #StarterHome #RemodelWalkthrough

Another journey. This particular wall is a wall that starts off being two and a half inches, and then they added on to it. So they put another two by four wall out beyond it. So. And the reason for that is this is a mobile home. If you look around, it may not look like a mobile home. And. And it's a little tiny window whenever they put it in.

It was pretty, pretty fancy, the whole thing. It's definitely not the window that went to a mobile home because this is a sixties mobile home and maybe late sixties, early seventies. And I can tell because I've been around a lot of them. Here let me show you something, in this master bedroom, they add on, and you can see the rounded roof mobile home right there. They folded the tin back and then they added all this section taller and they never finished the room.

They had a window there and a window there and we end up putting bigger windows and there will be a log cabin, a log bed here. So we're really trying to lend the windows so that it will let the outdoors in and not interfere and focus on the log cabin. Anyway, this is an addition onto this mobile home, so you can start with something small and add on like in the kitchen, which we're not finished with.

I guess we can show you some later as we go along. Down through here, this is added on and it's a log cabin look, we put it in a bathroom over here. They added on the bedroom. We put doors at the end so that we'll have decks out there in the so they'll be you can step out of your own particular bedroom and, and out on to the deck and out back here...

I don’t know if you can zoom in but you see the big rocks there and up that way is all bluff line. And down there is the War Eagle River which again you can, you could just barely see it through the trees. What this used to be was an open air sewer. Of course, that's all been eliminated. We'll fill all that in. But the deck will be here all the way, pretty much all the way across.

And there'll be a trail to a waterfall over that way. So this is the end of the mobile home again, right here. And we took it back. It used to be a bathroom and a shower, but turn that side into a closet. And this slide right here is a stackable washer dryer area with the hookups. And this used to have a shower in it, and now we've got a bathtub shower mix.

We're going to put an on demand water heater, electric water heater going to put in a window there and put these cabinets in so it doesn't look anything like it did. Totally changed the cabinets was a window here took that out, put a refrigerator there and pantry here. But this used to be a smaller door. They had a piece of wood to block it from.

I guess bears, maybe. If you can go that way you can show the bluff line and there's some discussion about putting lights up there so we can shine lights at night on the bluff line. And we may do different colors. And there's an idea about putting the deck over this way, up high with the staircase going up. And then you can look out over the whole area, the river, the the trees and still be up next to the the bluffs and have lights on that.

Um, but there's a bunch of trees have been cut down on these big boulders on the side of the hill and we got to get those cleared off so that we can do all that. In the meantime, we're back to what we were doing this this is just like, you know, somebody started off with a little sixties mobile home and then over 20 years added to it and then these people bought it teeter totter on the idea of tearing it all down and building the house here.

They decided that they would like to get this done and they felt like I was the guy to help them accomplish things. One of the things that I offer is you can change your mind, change your mind as many times you want it to. Until you find what you like. So that's what we're doing here. Don’t like this window would like to have the ability to sit at a dining area and see the bluff line.

So, this was a solid door. When we put in this door. Again, we'll clear that tree out and you can see the bluff line when you sit in this area. So, here we go. Changing out a window in a very odd area. Now, first thing we’ll do they don't want this. They want drywall. We’re going to use this that's there as an accent wall. Oh, we put the flooring in a little bit early, but you need, it needed to get done.

So. So we got to be careful that we don't drop nails and screws and scratches floor, which is one of the things I don't like about this flooring is if you scratch it, which is 1/32 of an inch, you got no real option because you take it part of the fall apart. Pieces of wood that lock together they don’t, they don’t generally come apart properly.

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