"Significant Population Decrease Globally and In the United States ~Dr. Eads

1 year ago

Mirrored: https://rumble.com/v2w777c-cancer-is-exploding-because-of-cv19-vax-dr.-betsy-eads.html
Source: Greg Hunter USA Watchdog

There is a lot of misinformation out there and it's important we seek and discern truth for ourselves. I suggest watching the entire video which is 54 minutes long.

Anything with MRNA technology is a prelude to the Mark of the Beast. This is a short list of items. Please share with others that they may research for themselves.

1. Jab
2. New Breakthrough Technologies that include MRNA in the meds- no informed consent required
a. Diabetes
b. Alzheimers
c. PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
d. Cancer
3. Nanobots technology
4. Blood transfusions
a. Saliva
b. Kissing
5. Swabs used in "the" test
6. Inhalable jabs
7. Skin Patches (skin patches) may include many micro needles said to feel like Velcro
8. Chip ( many different variations) not only the one that goes in the head or hand. There are some chips so small that it cannot be seen with the naked eye aka nanobots.
9. Flu jab/RSV shots
10. Robotic Mosquito
11. Dental Implants often used in Dental Surgery
12. MRNA in foods
13. Anything that wants to Alter your D- N- A

This Nano technology has been in the works for years and the medical field calls it “ medical technology or “medical breakthrough"

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