1 year ago

Anyone saying Freemason's secrets are not known by outsiders has not done enough research. For there have been many people who have left that society and either spoken out on their death bed, but some have even written books and revealed their rituals, operations and purposes.
The regular Masonic orders require members to believe in a "Supreme being" and membership is open to anyone provided you are invited by a member who knows you well and that your income is at a certain level, it is not for street hustlers.

Freemasons are reported to be the head proxy organization of the antichrist spirit operating the ‘deep state’ running the shadow governments around the world and have been openly disclosed to have ancient Egyptian / Babylonian roots paying homage to Osiris, Isis, Horus and Apollyon etc.

We are in the days of endtimes prophesy and the enemy will now come out boldly to recruit as many young people as possible in the name of Character building through such wicked entities and in preparation for the unveiling of the Anti Christ to go inline with all their evil agendas. (Revelation 13). They have infiltrated every level of society today and working together to bring about the antichrist agenda.

The remnant Church is awakening and must arise and shine with volcanic fervent prayer and faith to counter them.
The generational curses that such occult involvement has left on family's today is horrific and requires deliverance: https://youtu.be/KvXGGc4mazs

Remember as this man says Freemasonry isn’t one thing, but many, and it has always been this way. But they are all working for the enemy. Much of this vagueness and variety stems from the fact that Freemasonry’s origins are lost in time. As ever, people see what they want to see and believe what they want to believe. Therefore, unsurprisingly, Freemasonry grew into a worldwide presence, and in this video we see how it inspired and influenced society as we know it today.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1240324816529367&extid=CL-UNK-UNK-UNK-AN_GK0T-GK1C&mibextid=ya87ob&ref=sharing

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