Article Video - The Corporate Trust Fraud - Tuesday, July 4, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Corporate Trust Fraud - Tuesday, July 4, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

Whereas all incorporated entities may be considered to be trusts to the extent that the property of shareholders is managed for them by the managers of such corporations, other corporate but unincorporated entities, are held in common and have no such character.

Put another way, a business or other organization may be corporate, but not incorporated.

A corporate business may acquire the character of a public or private trust by structure or other express intention, or what is far more common, by submission to a foreign sovereign power, but such a trust may not be assumed in the present case where improper actions have been taken via the practice of registering American babies as U.S. Citizens without full disclosure, and then registering what appear to be their names as Municipal Corporations under franchise as well.

Neither of these incorporations can be allowed to exist, much less be enforced as trust obligations foisted off on clueless Americans who don't even know these trusts exist.

This is especially true as the American Government is known to be organized as a Corporation in Common and to have an unincorporated structure created under Common Law.

The only Public Trust created by the American Government was the Preamble Trust added to each of the respective Federal Constitutions, making the Constitutions themselves a trust obligation of our Employees and Subcontractors -- not us.

The victims of this intricate scam were named as co-owners and co-trustees and dubbed "Authorized Representatives" of these foreign Legal Fictions named after them --- a purported office and function that they were never made aware of, and which was deliberately hidden to prevent them from repudiating it.

Every check attached to every bank account that we have examined appears to have a signature line in the lower right corner, but upon closer examination under high magnification, what appears to be a line is actually a continuous repetition of microprint identifying the signature above it as that of the "Authorized Representative" of the foreign corporation/trusts named after them.

In fact, America's sovereignty is vested in its nation-states and is held in common, not in trust.

This is why our American Congressional Delegations are composed of Fiduciary Deputies and not mere Proxy Holders, Trustees, or in the general vernacular, Representatives.

All these legal suppositions of the existence of public trust interests and the idea that Americans were ever legitimately or voluntarily rendered wards of a British Territorial Empire and the Roman Pontiff by a process of non-disclosed registration of American babies as U.S. Citizens and US CORPORATIONS must be dispensed with.

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