Article Video - The Crux of the Matter - Monday, July 3, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Crux of the Matter - Monday, July 3, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

This translates as "the Cross of the Matter" --- precisely the cross that Yeshuah was made to bear, and this single small verse is that one that of all verses in the Bible encapsulates the error that has haunted mankind and ruined our days ever since.

First Samuel 8:5

"And [the people] said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways, now make us a king to judge us like all the nations."
--- King James Version

This is the clan leaders of the people of Israel talking to Samuel, their prophet and High Priest thousands of years ago.

Prior to this time they had placed their trust and leadership in their prophets and their own priests and had no secular kings, which was instead the practice common among their neighbors -- the Egyptians, the Hittites, Babylonians, Assyrians, Canaanites, et alia.

They had placed their trust in Samuel and in his ability to communicate with God, but now that Samuel was nearing the end of his days, they had nobody to take his place. Their entire system of governance had depended on one man, Samuel, and now, they had to figure out something else --- so they elected to do what all the neighbors had done, and have Samuel elect a king to reign over them and "judge" them.

The phrase "judge them" is peculiar and again goes to the heart of the matter. Since Moses gave them the Commandments and then all the 620 lesser laws -- dietary laws, sex laws, contract laws, etc., --- they had been under "judgement". Judgement doesn't exist without Law, because there is no agreed upon standard determining what is right or wrong, allowed or disallowed, within a society.

The Jews had their standards and the Egyptians had their different standards because they all adopted different laws for themselves, and each nation also then had a King to enforce these laws. The Kings, to begin with, were not only law-givers, but law enforcers and judges.

Though we may trust that the tribal leaders had established rules for their people to live by and that a sort of general consensus about these rules existed long prior to Moses, and we may also trust that the coming of the Commandments had further solidified the concept of Law, the election of a King was an entirely new and different matter for the Hebrews.

They had never had a King prior to that.

Prior to that moment, their only King was the living God, and his directives were communicated to them by the prophets.

This is the moment when they kicked God off the throne and allowed it to be occupied by a man. This is when their lack of faith in their own ability to know God became paramount and overwhelmed them.

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