2nd Peter 2-5 Verse of the day

1 year ago

Tuesday July 4th, 2023 - 2nd Peter chapter 2 vs 5
TL:DR - Read the entirety of 2nd peter when you do this verse of the day. For therein among the words given to peter is the key to understanding every verse in that book.
There is so much more than the one small example I gave. Read it all when you are able.

Long Version - I am a simple layman, un-educated by men in the things of men.
Read the whole book for a greater depth of understanding of any verse, including the one shown here.
Herein I go over just one little thing that this Verse brought to my attention. which clearly points out the need to go over some verses by reading the entirety of the book. And indeed in reading the entirety of 2nd Peter, one would be led many times to read various other books, or parts thereof, that go over the history that Peter touches on herein.

I do not go over this in depth, yet rather give just one small example of one thing out of many many many that God can lead you to consider when you read a verse in context with the entirety of the book, with the understanding that our human understanding is naturally less than what it needs to be to understand the things of God and therefore we could be mistaken in our assumptions, our conclusions, and even our questions at times.

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