Is Islam really an "Abrahamic" religion? (Did Abraham "establish" Islam as the media tells us?)

1 year ago

History, Logic, Scripture, Facts, and Science say "no"....he didn't.

THIS VIDEO WAS REMOVED AND BANNED AND GIVEN A "VIOLATION OF COMMUNITY STANDARDS ON HATE SPEECH" STRIKE ON YOUTUBE.   Truth-telling is "hate speech" to the anti-fact anti-science anti-sanity anti-free speech loony Left....we know.   Fact-reporting is "bigotry" the anti-science Libby-tards...who call ACTUAL UN-FETTERED FACTS about Islam and "trans" nutjobs "Islamophobia" and "transphobia".   Again.  Facts don't care about Lefties' feelings and fantasies.   The arrogant and idiotic Left moronically delusionally think they're the "intellectualism" group....WHEN LITERALLY JUST THE OPPOSITE IS THE they're proven nonstop to be the EMOTIONALISM group...  Going by feelings and emotions and biases and childish dopiness...not be inconvenient or rude or hard facts...that hurt or disturb their narratives or failed scripts.   Islam is NOT a race, color, or ethnicity.  It's a warped religion and a POLITICAL IDEOLOGY of suppression and oppression and misogyny and violence.   "Transgender" people are just deranged flops who are STILL BIOLOGICAL MEN OR WOMEN...and the men (with male beating (true) women in sports races all the time.   Saying males are males and females are females biologically is "hate speech" according to the un-hinged anti-science arrogant censoring Left.  Abraham was historically biblically and logically NOT the "founder of Islam" nor did Islam stem from the Biblical Abraham...   Saying that fact is "hate speech" too...according the lying lame-brain Left.

The line came from Isaac...not the disapproved the Bible.   "Salvation is of the Jews" Jesus also said.  Mohammad was not a Jew, but an an Arab who hated Jews, and called them "pigs and apes".   Islam is a religious HERESY...and a dangerous disaster on this planet.  And whether or not that's "hate speech" (Islam SHOULD be hated by sane and smart and honest people) it is FACT SPEECH.  That YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook don't like or can't their Lefty coddling and enabling of Muslims....(admirers and followers of a pedophile warlord of the 7th century A.D.)   

Facts don't care about the feelings and fantasies and fallacies and failures and fictions of Lefty-tard fascists and authoritarians and arrogant lunatics.

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