My Spiritual Life is Stuck! Help! - Ep. 221. - Run With Horses Podcast

1 year ago


Today on Run With Horses, we are looking at what to do when your spiritual life is in a rut.

My name is Norman and my goal is to help you Run Your Race Well, not just Surviving but Thriving as a Disciple of Jesus! There are a LOT of things you could do with your life, but I don’t think anything compares with following Jesus and joining Him on His mission of bringing Hope to the nations.
Thanks for including me in your journey!

Have you ever reached a spot in your spiritual life where you felt you just couldn’t manage to make a single step forward? I think it happens to many of us ore often that we would like to admit. In the past few shows we have been looking at the process of spiritual growth and you may feel like you just aren’t making any progress. Today, I want to give you some thoughts about how to get past those roadblocks and get your spiritual life moving again.

First, lets examine a few reasons people get bogged down.
1.Sin that hasn’t been dealt with. This is a big one. Gotta deal with sin, ASAP.
2.Unhealthy relationships. The people you hand around with make it easy or hard to follow Jesus.
3.Lazy/ Busy – You know what to do but can’t seem to get it done. This can often be a symptom of misplace priorities.
4.Doubt/ Discouragement – A little mistake or slip here and there can steal your confidence and make you consider your ability more than God’s Grace.
5. Earthly Desires – We all easily get distracted by the things of this world. Promotion at work, the approval of others, new “things” are all competing for the place Jesus demands.

Obviously not a complete list. You need to do the personal hard work of examining your own life to determine where you are aligned with God and where you are pursuing something else.

Next, lets consider the obvious tools that we need to always be using to build a healthy spiritual life.
Here is me, the broken record, telling you that God has given you three things specifically to help you grow. You have heard this hear before and will hear it again!

1. God’s Word - There is no way to really grow without increased time with God which equates to time in His Word. Read the Bible. Meditate on it. Memorize it. Think about it. Talk about it to others. This is foundational to a healthy spiritual life.
2.Holy Spirit – God has given you the Holy Spirit to guide you, help you understand the Bible and to change you from the inside out. When you don’t know what to pray, trust that the Holy Spirit does, and pray!
3. The Church – Hey that church takes lots of hard knocks. It is definitely not perfect, but then, how could it be, it is full of former enemies of God who are still learning what it means to be part of His family!
As a resource for spiritual growth the church will include music that points you toward God, books, sermons, podcast and videos that teach, encourage and motivate you to keep on keeping on.

Now, lets look at a few tools you should have in your spiritual toolbox to pull out when you need them.
Spiritual Disciplines -
1. Disciplines of Abstinence:
Solitude: Time away from people, leaving more space for God.
Silence: Not speaking and going to a quiet place to clear a space for God to reach us.
Fasting: Going without food (or something else like media) for a time. Replacing the food or media with more of God’s Word and Prayer.
Sabbath: Intentional rest in God’s person and provision.

2. Disciplines of Engagement:
Bible Reading: might include Bible study, Scripture meditation, and praying God’s Word.
Worship: Praising God in words, music, or silence. (privately or in community.)
Prayer: Talking with God about what we’re experiencing and doing together.
Fellowship: Intentionally seeking out believers to encourage and speak with about spiritual things.
Service: Humbly serving God by overflowing with his love and compassion to others, especially those in need. (Also tithing and giving.) A great way to “get out of your head”.

Finally, lets consider how to make a plan that will give us structure and intentionality as we face our spiritual battles.
If possible, identify the main area you are struggling with right now. Are there any obvious reasons or ways to address it? Ask a good Christian friend to help you evaluate your life and current lifestyle. Talking through your choices with a friend who want to see you grow may be the best way to see your own life more clearly.

Make sure you have a consistent plan to include the basic activities of the spiritual life in your week, every week. Have a bible reading plan, journal what you are learning, share it with a friend. Pray throughout the day every day and invite God into every activity. Put the church on your calendar, not just the service times but plan to reach out to others throughout the week. Ask your church family to pray for you.
Consider the spiritual disciplines and make a space in your life for those you believe would help you given where you are right now. Don’t be afraid to try something you haven’t done before!

KEY POINT: Invite a friend to go through this time with you and pray for you as you apply these tools to your life. You are not meant to walk the Christian life alone! That is a recipe for stagnation and a nasty spiritual fall.

Most of all, keep it up. Persevere. The reward is worth the struggle. Remember that God promises to be with you in the middle of every trial and He is working in you to complete the work HE started!

Thanks for joining me today! Check out for show notes and past shows. Write me at if you have comments or questions. Join our facebook community and tell a friend if you have found this show helpful! Keep Running!

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