Web Scraping 101: A Million Dollar Project Idea

1 year ago

Web Scraping is one of the best projects you can work on with real, legitimate potential to make you a TON of MONEY ($$$)! It's the ability to collect real-time data about travel, eating, commerce, healthcare, real estate, you name it. Learn about this multi-billion dollar industry and how to tap into it!

Sign up for @BrightData here and get $15 in FREE credit! https://brdta.com/techwithtim.

BrightData Scraping Browser: https://brightdata.com/products/scraping-browser
Project Code: https://github.com/techwithtim/Price-Tracking-Web-Scraper
Data Collection Project Ideas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx-gL-Dt5rI

🎬 Timestamps ⏱️
00:00 | Web Scraping
00:19 | The Potential
00:56 | The Idea
01:38 | The Process
02:12 | The Problem
02:47 | The Solution
03:36 | Million Dollar Project Demo
06:47 | Code Walkthrough
11:16 | BrightData Setup
12:14 | Next Steps & Ideas

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⭐️ Tags ⭐️
- Tech with Tim
- Programming
- Web Scraping

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#techwithtim #programming #coding

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