07-03-2023. Office of Morning Prayer. Mon. ST. THOMAS, AP (F)

1 year ago

• Liturgy of the Hours/Divine Office.
• 07-03-2023. Office of Morning Prayer. Mon. ST. THOMAS, AP (F).
• “Act of Adoration” (page 78 of 2011 edition of the Pauline Prayer book)
• Fr. Alberione’s Prayer In Time of Suffering (bookmark prayer)
• Page #'s for 4 volume set of Liturgy of the Hours, book III: 1659 (Invitatory Antiphon), 649 (Invitatory), 1666 (Hymn), 1518 (Proper of Saints), 688 (Psalter), 1518 (Proper of Saints), 656 (Gospel Canticle), 1519 (Proper of Saints), 1667 (Common of Apostles), 1554 (Proper of Saints).
• Page #'s for Book of Christian Prayer: 1392 (Invitatory Antiphon), 688 (Invitatory), 1187 (Proper of Saints), 707 (Psalter), 1187 (Proper of Saints), 691 (Gospel Canticle), 1187 (Proper of Saints).
• Prayer of Thanksgiving.
• Ending prayer – Prayers to St. Thomas the Apostle.
• Ending Meditation from the Pauline Agenda.

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