Is Christianity right about homosexuals?

1 year ago

I don't often agree with Christianity but when I do it's epic. I've spend most of my life as an atheist and scientist disproving the Bible itself and Christian interpretations of it. There are however cases where it turns out to be on to something.

I used to be pretty annoyed by Christians going on about God but if I have to hear one more lunatic going on about #12LGBTQIPAWCRJMHNUDEO+(INBCSPR) [rev. 7462] I'm going to lose it.

* #1 Number One
* #2 Number Two, Two Spirit
* L Lesbian
* G Gay, Google
* B Bisexual, Black, BLM, Biden
* T Transomething
* Q Queer, Questioning
* I Intersex, Immigrant, Indiginous
* P Pansexual, Prostitute, Paraphile, Potato
* A Asexual, Aromatic, Antifa, Agender, Allied, Alien, Androgynous, Autistic, Artist, Alphabetical, Aardvark, AOC
* W Wanker, WHO
* C Cuckold, Confused, Communist, CNN, CDC
* R Rainbow, Refugee, Redditor, Retard
* J Jewish, Junkie
* M Minority, Muslim, Mentally Ill, MSNBC
* H Homeless
* N Narcissist, Nudist, NHS, NATO, Not gay but willing to please
* U Ukrainian, UN
* D Democrat, Disabled
* E Eunuch
* O Openminded, Onlyfans, Obama
* + HIV
* (I) Icnset
* (N) Nrceoiphle
* (B) Beitslaity, Bushacger
* (C) Cniabnal
* (S) Sfnuf
* (P) Padeohpile
* (R) Rpsait

Please note diversity points not included.

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