In Episode 4 Nick Caturano & Rebekah Ricks Interview Pediatric Physician and Educator Dr. Renata Moon

1 year ago

Dr. Moon talks about her journey to understanding that there was trouble in the medical field she loves. The sacrifices she has made as a result and the penalties paid for speaking up. Not only Dr. Moon, but her 81 year old mom at the end, warn of the Communist roots and the danger signs all around us and how we must stand now or lose everything!
For more on Dr.Moon:

My Fellow Americans-
This is a critical time in history.
No American should ever be censored or silenced. You have the right to freedom of speech & to make your own informed health care decisions.
Our national situation is very dangerous. Our children and grandchildren will live as modern day slaves if this system fully traps us. If your employer can force you to make a specific health care “choice” and silence your “unauthorized” opinions, then you are a modern day slave.
We have already lost much of our freedom. The pharmaceutical corporations, tech companies, and employers have power and control—-some call it the medical: industrial complex. There are other names for it. We have to stop this system NOW and work to get our freedoms back before we lose everything.
Your job right now is to:
• SPEAK UP—-be loud & clear & courageous.
• UNITE with other Americans——this is about ALL OF OUR FREEDOM. We can bicker about
the other things later. Bickering with one another right now divides us & weakens us. Forget
the bickering. We are ALL in danger now.
• TEACH your friends and neighbors —-wake them up to what is happening! • HELP people understand what is happening globally.
Dr. Reni Moon
Pediatric Freedom Summit

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