breaking news : a dream changed his entire life story Ibrahim Richmond

1 year ago

Ibrahim Richmond
He was a Christian priest
Became a Muslim
Doing the holy Hajj
A dream changes his entire life
Although surprised to hear
That's true
That's what he said.
I was talking about Ibrahim Richmond, a Christian pastor from South Africa
Recently converted to Islam
He has become the center of discussion around the world
just one dream
changes his lifestyle
While the clergy
He converted more than a thousand people to Christianity in 15 years
After dreaming he changed himself
and accepted Islam
Recently converted to Islam
This former Christian pastor said about the fulfillment of his dreams

This time he fulfilled another dream by performing Hajj
The former famous priest of South Africa
Now a preacher of Islam
Time to convert to Islam
More than 10 thousand people accepted Islam with him
At the invitation of the Saudi King
90 countries from the world
And the royal guests of the country have been invited for Hajj
One of them was Ibrahim Richmond
Recently in the media about Ibrahim Rismond's conversion to Islam
A news goes viral
And from there to the people of the Muslim world
Now a popular face
And known as a vessel of love

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