The Spiritual Darkness of Adventism's Last Generation Theology w/ Dr. Allen Davis

1 year ago

Classical Adventist theology is rooted in Last Generation Theology (LGT). This has caused a rift amongst the modern day Seventh-Day Adventist movement. Historic Adventist's—such as Dennis Priebe, Stephen Bohr and Walter Veith—would argue it's the consistent end state of the Adventist system of theology. The liberal wing would beg to differ. So what is it exactly?

Former Adventist Dr. Allen Davis @DrAD767 (previous executive at the Weimar Institute @WeimarUni and Doug Batchelor's @AmazingFacts) joins me to discuss this highly controversial subject as someone who used to—not only affirm LGT—but was platformed by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church to teach it.

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