
1 year ago

Because of supporting the NFSC and the Whistleblowers’ Movement to take down the CCP, the hosts of the Wayne Dupree podcast have also faced suppression. Their social media accounts have been shadow banned, and they have been receiving multiple violent and threatening messages every day. It is still going on like that. 因为支持新中国联邦和爆料革命的灭共事业,韦恩·杜普里播客节目的主播们也受到了打压,他们的社交媒体账号也遭到了秘密屏蔽,每天都会收到多条暴力恐吓信息,这种事情还在发生。 #洛杉矶盘古农场 #freemilesguo #FreeYvetteWang #MilesGuoHasTheGoods

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