do drugs that make sense, arrogant to assume authority over plant life

1 year ago

celery juice +'s gonna taste like shit
i already wanna puke
people need to digest reality like i'm gonna do this
don't be a pussy, just rip off the damn bandaid
kratom and many plants help w/ my perspective
i'm so glad you asked why i do drugs
no denying that plants grow in the ground
a lotta people online think...
plants vs. pharmies i did a whole poster on this haha
we also have a lotta these plants inside of us that should be mentioned as well
follow the $ AND the intentions of the people doing the study
are they trying to brainwash or awaken the masses
i dunno if that's still the truth, unfortunately
if the drug makes you kill yourself then that drug sucks
that eyebrow goes up whenever i start goin into my little schpiels haha i found the narcissism
take these pills so i don't have to listen to you babble
grin n bear it you can down it like a champ no doubt
we used to drink a fifth of vodka straight outta the bottle so...
alcoholism taught me so much about myself
drink entire fifth of sumin that's gonna ruin my life...funny to put it like that esp now
i know what i'm capable of in the negative sense so...
this (former) alcoholic will save the world...i had to get sober first tho haha
there's always a flip side to every coin and there are sooooo many coins in this material world
the devil is onto you cos he knows whatever you are capable of...he knows you like God knows you cos there is always that flip side. you just gotta flip it back.
depression ain't no boogeyman. just be friends with it, man.
i give that demon a blanket, it's a way better approach
don't focus on the negative or that's all it will ever be
plebs think that pills are the answer
the horse ain't dead, every 2seconds it comes back to life n beckons me
all the screens put you in an altered state
drugs that they don't call drugs
they're so mad that the govt is...
fake people bitch about fake shit cos they refuse to deal w/ anything real
a better perspective to be continued hahaha

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