Article Video - The Neo-Paganism Fraud - Sunday, July 2, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Neo-Paganism Fraud - Sunday, July 2, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

Faced with the necessity of paying their own debts the Territorial powers and Municipal Corporations responsible for this Mess, together with their Principals, have tried every possible excuse and scam and endgame, including changing their religion, in their efforts to avoid their obligations under Ecclesiastical Law.

Voluntary changes undertaken by Parties to contract do not free them from their prior obligations.

King George III avoided his treaty obligations to the Delaware and Lenape Indians by being defeated in The War of Independence. This "defeat" allowed the former Colonists to open up the entire continent to European settlement without the King's treaty obligations standing in the way. Both the King and the Colonists, most especially, the King's Cousin, George Washington, profited handsomely --- at the Indian's expense.

Sometimes even a contrived involuntary inability to perform upon a contract releases the Obligee, at least from direct obligation, though we maintain that under international law, King George III and his Successors still owe the Delaware and Lenape a very substantial treaty settlement in gold.

That said, changing one's religion, or appearance of religion, is an entirely personal and voluntary choice, a choice that in no way alters pre-existing contractual obligations or any contract undertaken with the appearance of good faith.

Even if the Perpetrators claim that they have always been Liars, we would have had no cause to know that in the face of their expert impersonation of Truth-tellers --- and the default and the fraud is, again, on them.

We note that when King Philip the Fair and Pope Clement V accused the Templars of heresy and destroyed the Order, it had the convenient effect of using religion as an excuse to erase a very substantial debt owed to the Templars.

Throughout history, various other excuses to attack the Priority Creditors have been used --- everything from marital infidelity to regicide and False Flags of every kind --- but religion has been used in the examples provided by the Gnostics, Albigensians, and Templars, and attempts to deny the current debts are underway which use religion as the excuse for not paying --- albeit, in a slightly different way.

We are given to understand that the Royal Family in Britain and most of the Royals throughout Europe are now claiming an astonishing conversion, and revealing themselves to be Devotees of the Dark Goddess and Baphomet, and in general, acolytes serving The Father of All Lies.

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