Article Video - The Central Bank Digital Currency Fraud - Saturday, July 1, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Central Bank Digital Currency Fraud - Saturday, July 1, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

Begin with the fact that the Central Banks are used to control the supply and demand for commodities, and that currencies and different kinds of money are all defined as commodities no less than corn and sow bellies.

Follow with the realization that Central Banks are in the business of commodity rigging, and commodity rigging is unlawful, illegal, and immoral.

Then ask yourselves, how is it possible that we have all these central banks in operation? Why haven't they been shut down?

They fund the government corporations, which let them do pretty much whatever they wish to do, despite the fact that the central banks are engaged in criminal activities by definition.

Central Banks regularly obstruct trade, cause bank runs, engage in bankruptcy fraud, amass unbelievably large Slush Funds, pay bribes, block international transactions, buy political candidates and whole agencies of what appear to be our governments, cause cycles of inflation and deflation, rig commodity and stock exchanges, benefit from illegal securitization, implement arbitrary self-interested economic sanctions---- and all under color of law, provided by Municipal Corporations that are themselves operating under color of law.

Now that they've been caught making a mockery of accounting and fiduciary duty, both, have been caught counterfeiting the so-called reserve currency, artificially controlling gold and silver prices, rigging the stock and commodity markets, and causing cyclic public bankruptcy frauds, while promoting mortgage frauds, public utility fraud, public trust fraud, and arbitrary devaluation of currencies (inflation) --- which amounts to a hidden tax favoring the same players ---- the Perpetrators of the current system want to switch everything over to a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) System.

They want a cashless society, and it is obvious why. Cash provides a record of their debts, so of course, they want to get rid of cash. Cash costs money to print and maintain, whereas digits are just computer strokes that can be entered and altered by more computers. That means even more profit for them. And finally, such a system allows them to surveil and control every single purchase and every single person, enabling them to coercively meddle in and control buying choices, and punish people who hold different political or religious views.

Nobody trusts the bankers nor the Municipal Corporations nor their Commercial Corporation franchises. Nobody wants to do business with them. Nobody likes them as a result of what they have done with the power entrusted to them.

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