Article Video - The National Level Identity Theft - Thursday, June 29, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The National Level Identity Theft - Thursday, June 29, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

We have detailed the means used to unlawfully convert the political status and identity of Americans by both of the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors housed in the District of Columbia.

The British Territorial Subcontractor began the process in the 1920's, with the Shepherd -Townsend Act, ostensibly addressed only to U.S. Citizens, but grossly and indiscriminately applied to all Americans without disclosure and without instruction and without provision of remedy.

Once the Americans were unlawfully converted via registration to the status of British Territorial U.S. Citizens, their estate became subject to the public interest established by the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666, and the Bar Association Members acting as Undeclared Foreign Agents representing the British King's interest in the estate latched upon it, issued titles upon it, and used it as collateral subject to hypothecation of debt under Admiralty Law.

The British Perpetrators received the credit thus generated for their own benefit and for the Monarch's benefit, without consideration for the Americans they were impersonating and misrepresenting -- but to whom they actually owed "good faith service". They purposefully and unlawfully evaded their own obligations under The Constitution of the United States of America by misrepresenting and illegally registering American babies as British Territorial U.S. Citizens.

The City-run Municipal Subcontractor followed up with their own much older version of the same scheme, establishing an interest in the victims' estates by assuming the existence of a deceased twin represented by the Afterbirth materials, assigning the name and estate to this deceased "brother" or "sister", and preying upon the resulting infant decedent estate via the use of foreign Municipal probate courts.

In both cases, the Subcontractors have run an Executor de Son Tort scheme based on identity theft or identity substitution, to control the assets of the victims and gain means of extracting both assets and credit from the victims without their knowledge or consent.

This was done in violation of several major treaty series agreements, including the Treaties of Versailles and Paris, at least two major International Conventions -- both the Hague and Geneva Conventions -- that the Subcontractors signed, respectively, and their respective Constitutions which they evaded by secretly altering the political status of their victims. This is also in violation of Ecclesiastical Law which requires that corporations operate lawfully.

These Municipal Corporations, their franchises, and their Agencies have used the foregoing unlawful conversion schemes to support and fund a host of other criminal activities: mercenary wars for profit, impersonation, human trafficking, regulatory fraud, deprivation of rights under color of law, press-ganging, kidnapping, inland piracy, fraud upon the courts, conspiracy against the Constitutions, undisclosed enfranchisement, inland piracy, illegal confiscation, illegal securitization, illegal latching, illegal imposition of titles --- all of which are unlawful activities, too, racketeering, extortion, false witness, grand larceny, piracy on the High Seas, gross Breach of Trust, privateering, unlawful conversion, hijacking, bank fraud, counterfeiting, violation of service contracts, violation of solemn treaties and conventions, and most recently, wholesale genocide for profit.

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