Article Video - The Role of Coordinators - Wednesday, June 28, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Role of Coordinators - Wednesday, June 28, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

When the Summoning Authority calls the States into Session, the States must answer back. They do so in the form of individual people who act as Go-Betweens --- liaisons --- between their State Assembly and the Federation of States.

In the old days these people acted as Circuit Riders who went door to door appointing a place and time for The State Assembly to meet. Today, we call these people "Coordinators" and they are more likely to pick up a telephone or send an email.

They are in the same position, doing the same things, only a bit updated.

The Coordinators are trained by the Federation, vetted by the Federation, and are "hired and fired" by the Federation, not the individual State Assemblies. They are all volunteers and they got their positions by being trained and vetted. Anyone can be a Coordinator and each State can have more than one Coordinator; in fact, most States have Sign In America Coordinators and County Coordinators in addition to State Coordinators. All Coordinators are Federation liaisons.

State Assemblies can suggest those that they would like to be Coordinators, but have no direct power over Coordinators.

The Coordinators facilitate meetings of the State Assemblies and may do this by setting up teleconferences or renting meeting halls or arranging a picnic. The Coordinator is there to bring people together in safe and equitable surroundings to conduct business for the State and in this case, to set up the "Four Pillars" of the Assembly itself.

The Four Pillars are: (1) the General Assembly; (2) the International Business Assembly; (3) the State Courts; (4) the State Assembly Militia.

The Pillars are four different functions that each State Assembly has to eventually provide for the people of their State.

The Coordinator's role in this process is to make sure that the people understand what the Four Pillars are and get organized to provide these services for the people who live in their State of the Union. When questions arise as they often do, it is the Coordinator's role to seek answers to these questions from the Federation and then go back to The State Assembly with answers.

This is what we mean about being "liaisons" or "go-betweens". The Coordinators are State Nationals who live in their State like everyone else, but they have access to a network of other knowledgeable Coordinators and Federation professionals who are competent to answer questions about Law, offices, jurisdictions, processes, procedures, etc., and to provide assistance of various kinds to State Assemblies.

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