Gal Gadot is trying to change the narrative that Cleopatra was just a seductress.

1 year ago

Gal Gadot is trying to change the narrative that Cleopatra was just a seductress.

I don't believe in superstition, but I do believe in some curses. I will never say The Scottish Play's name, especially not in a theatre. Someone said it in my acting classes and the electricity went out instantly. Just saying. Any movie project involving Cleopatra, I think, is cursed. I have good reasons to believe this. It is said that the 1963 Elizabeth Taylor film nearly bankrupted 20th Century Fox. The production was also plagued by problems - they had to switch directors mid-way through and reshoot for months. The film also produced the Romance of The Century, which was...

I don't believe in superstition, but I do believe in some curses. I will never say The Scottish Play's name, especially not in a theatre. Someone said it in my acting classes and the electricity went out instantly. Just saying. Any movie project involving Cleopatra, I think, is cursed. I have good reasons to believe this. It is said that the 1963 Elizabeth Taylor film nearly bankrupted 20th Century Fox. The production was also plagued by problems - they had to switch directors mid-way through and reshoot for months. The film also produced the Romance of The Century, which was Liz and Richard Burton’s torrid affair. In 2014, North Korea hacked the Sony database. Angelina Jolie wanted to work with David Fincher, the director of Cleopatra 2, with Angelina as Cleopatra. She was already attached to the project since years. She faced pushback from Sony's top brass about the direction that she wanted to go in, and producer Scott Rudin sent her some juvenile, snotty emails behind her back. We learned in 2017 that Denis Villeneuve was the director of this project, but we didn't know if Angelina still was involved. As far as I am aware, that Sony project is still stuck in development hell. Three years later, in 2020, Gal Gadot will be cast in another project under a new director. Kari Skogland is now attached to direct the project. She is a TV Director who has worked on shows like The Falcon, The Winter Soldier, and The Americans. IMDB states that it is in pre-production, but Gal Gadot answered questions about it when she spoke with Vogue Hong Kong for the promotion of her Netflix film Heart of Stone. She was asked how she prepared for the role and if Cleopatra differed from her other roles. She seems to want to focus on Cleopatra's political power and downplay her most famous attributes. This is similar to what Angelina Jolie also wanted to do. She prepared for the part by: Israel borders Egypt and I was raised with many stories about Cleopatra. She's a household name. Cleopatra is actually the real strong woman leader. Wonder Woman, on the other hand, is an imaginary one. This is a great example of the story I wanted to share because when I began reading about Cleopatra I thought, "Wow, this is fascinating." Cleopatra was always portrayed in films as a seductive woman with an affair with Julius Caesar or Marc Anthony. Truthfully, she's much more than that. She was way ahead of her times. Egypt, and what Egypt used to be back then was still futuristic compared to today. I don't have much to say. To me, it's a passion to tell this story, to do justice to the character and to celebrate her legacy. I can't wait to tell this story and change the perception of Cleopatra as a mere seductress. From Vogue Hong Kong Gal has a serious commitment to making Cleopatra an interesting character. She was much more than just a seductress. She was also a political strategist. But I don't think she has the acting skills. She was a good Wonder Woman, but she had to be uncomplicated. In my opinion, Wonder Woman and Superman share the same qualities. They are good, courageous and pure-hearted. They are not very nuanced. They are an antidote for a world that is becoming more and more complex, violent, and anxious. There's also probably some WWII/Cold War material in there based on the time period when these characters were created, but I don't know much about comics, Marvel or DC. Gal only had to play a character with a child-like, unyielding and simple sense of right and bad. I think that she did remarkably well. What about a queen that uses many strategies and tactics to keep her power, such as seduction? Miss Woman's life was chaotic and morally complex. She gathered political allies, but then ghosted them when they asked for military assistance, she fought wars with her brothers, p...

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