Interview 507 with Michael Bell

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I wanted the opportunity to speak on July 4th since my story involves the United States Marines and the American Brother Foundation About 1 — American Brother Foundation This year October 23rd marks the 40th anniversary of the suicide bomber attack of the US. Attached is a BIO I sent the American Brother Foundation who were interested in me sharing my story with a filmmaker Michael Lively. A new documentary titled "We Came in Peace" will be released this year telling the story of the Beirut Marines. I have been warmly embraced by the surviving Veterans of that attack for my assistance all those years ago and they have made me the only Canadian who is a member of their Veteran Association. For forty years I have kept quiet about my participation in the Middle East with the Beirut Marines and the subsequent events that swept my regiment up in a jihad a mere 100 miles away. It wasn't until I was diagnosed with PTSD last fall that I realized how much these events had negatively impacted me and my life.
Michael Bell
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