Basics of Life...

1 year ago

Down here in the south we have a lot of different sayings that ere for different actions and situations... I remember very well hearing my Momma saying that I was getting to big for my britches right before I did something and got hurt or she grabbed a switch or a belt and started wearing my butt out...

Sometimes as believers and in our various ministries it is so easy to get ourselves puffed up a spirit of pride or even fall into neglecting to come and spend good quality of time with our Heavenly Father and Jesus... Sometimes we need to simply just stop and to some degree go back and return and humble ourselves to the basics of where we began with the New Life we received from Jesus through becoming Born Again in Spirit... We need to get back to the basics of Life of being Born Again...

As in the letter to the Church at Ephesus in Revelations chapter 2... You have forgotten your first love... Jesus told the Ephesians that they had forgotten the love they shared and exhibited, yet He also told them to return to their first love and He would not forsake them... Again we need to step back and remember the Love of the Father through making the way for us to come to Him through Jesus... And remember the love we have had for Jesus and the ministries He has entrusted to us through the Holy Spirit and not what we make of it...

#bornagain #basicsoflife #returntofirstlove #humbleness #meekness

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