The Ancient Derek Michael Guy

1 year ago

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to bring up A Few Points about The Rapp Game, and iT's Members. There is An Ancient mentioned in The God Game who gott kicked out, and His NaMe is Cain Michael. He was from The Michael {SuRcutt}, and Derek is God. If you don't know Derek is God's Name, you should do Some Light Factorey Training. The Rapp Game is violent...There is onley ONE or TW0 in My Corner in The RApp Game, but DMX zings with me too. Butt Cain Michael is often A Straight Man, but An Ancient named Satan, who was The SerPent-fucked Cain Michael up in A Way I will nott talk about, but if you know...You know why there are Maney GA-Hy Menn, and they suck! Cain Michael basically is Nastey becuzz he has sex with His Own Shitt, butt who else would want A Murder? Please praye for Cain and Hiz People. {RA} Hates him! Cain killed My Brother Levi, and ONe of His Descendents recentley tried to kill HIM again, but HEAZE Smart. Life is good, so Let's Rapp! -Derek Z2442Z Michael and Friendze!

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