Kenyan woman shows Canadian friend how she gets water in her village

1 year ago

When Dave, a man from Canada asked his friend, Naomy how she gets water in her village, she recorded this video to tell the story. Kenya has a dry season and a rainy season. Both are extreme, but the dry season brings drought and hardship. Usually, the only source of water is a small drainage ditch near her family home. There is a pool that it is deep enough to dip a cup and fill a jug. But the water is not clean and it is 2km from her house. Still, it is all they have.
During the rainy season, this reservoir fills up and the villagers can fill their jugs here. But the water is contaminated with animal feces and runoff from the farms around the reservoir. It will be short lived because this will dry up, but it's the best water source while it is full. This video highlights the extreme challenges of life in Africa.
Naomy is a farmer, managing a small plot of rented land. It is how she feeds her family and how they survive. It is also the same farm plot that allows her to grow some extra vegetables for sale.
In Kenya, the average wage across the country is approximately 100 schillings, or $88 U.S. This is not much to survive on and making ends meet requires hard work, commitment, and even ingenuity and imagination. The sales from Naomy's farm plot net her $3-5 on a very good day. She will use that money to pay for medical needs of the family, as well as necessities like kerosene, sugar, salt, and clothing.
Naomy has an extra challenge. She adopted Emannuel, a boy who was abandoned by his parents when he was two years old. Naomy uses her meager savings to fund schooling for Emannuel so he can have a decent life.
Naomy also makes videos, like this one, and Dave and Naomy use the videos to show the world what life is like for Naomy and the others in her village. The videos have helped provide a small income for Naomy and her family. As she faces some upcoming medical fees, she is using her phone camera to share her life with the world, and to try to meet the costs ahead.
Please enjoy this video and share it. You can help Naomy by doing so and you can also help her with this link.
Asante san.
Thank you.

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