The Old Fenian Chief - Rare Irish Blueshirt Song

1 year ago

I own nothing, all credits go to FBIV. Original description below.

Another awesome find shown to me by user +Ulsterman96!
Thank you so much for the song and lyrics my friend!


Oh tell me my lads said the Old Fenian Chief
the goal that you boys have in due,
and what brings you forth from all over the land
in your colours so stately and Blue?

The goal that we strive for my worthy old friend
is the goal for which brave men and strong
have given their lives and that goal will be won
when the Blueshirts come marching along,

And the old Fenian chief as the tears filled his eyes
oh so proudly he took me by the hand,
and he said oh my lad I bless you today and
bless everyone in your band
I know of the fame of your leader so bold
so noble and fearless and strong,
O’Duffy will lead you to Victory my friends
when the Blueshirts come marching along.

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