Full Moon Capricorn "The Sleeping Gypsy" A Sobering Moon it will Be! July 3rd @11 degrees.

1 year ago

This is quite a month of shifting changes... In many ways, we will be asked to move our patterns and habitual behaviours in light of finding new approaches and applications, bringing forward a vision to see ourselves thriving in new and more beneficial ways...developing a willingness to see a bigger picture beyond only ourselves.

This full Moon is illuminating the questions we must begin to see and ask? How will humanity support each other as humans, not slaves, not as business as usual, or its just business... antidotes) business machines and corporations are not human; they are numbers watched by trained eyes to look for profit only...
They are not thinking about life or lifeforce as humans, plants and animals??

This month brings about significant changes and shifts in various aspects of our lives. We are called upon to break free from our old patterns and habits in order to embrace new approaches and ways of thriving. It is crucial that we expand our vision beyond ourselves and work towards creating a network of support and collaboration where everyone can benefit.

As we navigate these changes, we must reflect on how we can succeed in our businesses while also prioritising our well-being.
How do we establish a system where reciprocity flourishes like a buzzing hive full of possibilities?

The illumination of this full moon prompts us to ask important questions about humanity's role in supporting one another. We must recognise that businesses and corporations, solely driven by profit, lack the essence of what it means to be human. They fail to consider the value of life and the interconnectedness of humans, plants, and animals.

Amid it all, I remember my dear granny and our cherished moments together. Rainy afternoons, whether on Saturdays or Sundays, transformed into baking days where we indulged in my favourite treats. From creamy rice to savoury curry and mouthwatering chocolate cake, every preparation was a delight.
Mornings started with freshly baked scones topped with whipped cream and strawberry jam, accompanied by milk from the neighbouring paddock.
Those early years of my life were filled with pure magic, allowing me to develop a deep connection with nature and freely explore its wonders.

However, it was a tough decision for my grandparents to sell the property and move to an urban environment, leaving behind the pristine beauty we had cherished. Our stories of living in the gorge became treasured memories that we shared at every gathering. We felt immensely fortunate to have experienced such natural wonders, with abundant lush vegetation, enchanting waterfalls, and even sightings of koala bears. The fields of sugar cane lining the roads and the mesmerising sight of burning sugarcane fires against the winter skies were unique experiences that our children will never have the chance to witness.

As we embark on this new phase, we must recognise the significance of our past experiences and the responsibility to create a better future. Let us forge new paths and establish meaningful connections, honouring the lessons we have learned along the way.

And so, with optimism and determination, we embrace what lies ahead.

The painting referred to is called "The Sleeping Gypsy," created by the French artist Henri Rousseau. Rousseau was known for his naive or primitive painting style, and this particular artwork depicts a reclining gypsy woman sleeping peacefully in the wilderness while a lion stands nearby.

The meaning and interpretation of "The Sleeping Gypsy" have been subject to much speculation. Some believe the painting represents the peaceful coexistence between humans and untamed nature. The gypsy woman is shown in a vulnerable state, yet she is unharmed by the lion, suggesting a harmonious relationship between humans and the wild. It can also be seen as a metaphor for Rousseau's susceptibility to the power of dreams and imagination.

Overall, the painting is dreamlike and invites viewers to contemplate themes of nature, humanity, dream worlds, and the boundaries between reality and imagination. With his unconventional artistic style, Rousseau aimed to evoke a sense of wonder and mystery in his audience through his symbolic and metaphorical storytelling.

And so it is


#visionary #creative #writer #blessedandfree #astrologer #energyalchemist #intuitive #designer #delahroseroobiemyer

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