The Strange Case of Ingo Swann: CIA's Secret Experiment

1 year ago

During the early years of the cold war between the US and her allies and the Soviet Union, much interest was shown in reports which came to the CIA’S attention, of secret Soviet projects concerning mind control, the ability to brainwash and program individuals at any level, to be subversives for the state, for purposes of intimidation and other tasks. The US was convinced of Soviet success in these programs.
The US was at the time concerned about being left behind by Soviet defence capabilities, intelligence and subversive capabilities, or so it was believed by the US Defence establishment.
Ingo Swann:
Most people in the United States, if they were asked today who Ingo Swann was, would probably never have heard of him nor of his ‘abilities’, even less of the interesting role he played in US defence history. His abilities came to the attention of the CIA and America’s State Security apparatus along with his ‘abnormal abilities’, during the cold war. That however is not where it all started.
Ingo Douglas Swann’s story starts in Telluride, Colorado USA, on 14th September 1933, when he was born. Not an eventful life growing up, but as an adult, he described himself as an artist, writer, and psychic. The psychic part of his capabilities he described as the ability to RV (remotely view, or capable of viewing), events, locations, and subjects at an unseen distance, a type of extended mental telepathy.
In its direct sense RV, remote viewing, isn’t considered the same as a psychic’s ability, people with the ability to assist law enforcement investigators, from time to time, in tracking the movements of a murderer and his victim during an investigation. Swann described his psychic ability as a practice he could only activate under laboratory conditions. Ingo described himself as a consciousness researcher who at times had experienced altered states of consciousness. RV was purely Ingo Swann’s invention.

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