The earth is changing. The earth is shifting

1 year ago

The earth is changing. The earth is shifting. There is an energy that is taking place that will affect everyone on this planet. The celestial bodies and planetary energies that are occurring at this moment in time and space, are developing an energy field around this planet. This energy field is to establish a new control center. A new center of Being, that will allow it to contrast with the conflict war in corruption,that has been occurring.

There is occurring a major change within the world, as the center is changing. The concept of the polar shift is one that allows for people to understand the magnetics of the energies within the earth will move from side to side, from pole to pole. But the core issue is the center, the energy of the core being of the planetary body of the earth, and it is in deep contrast with the conflict wars and corruptions of humanity. These are showing a disruption in the center, because the desire is for harmony and peace, and harmony through conflict is a forth ray energy that this planet is built upon.

The energies here are awakening now as the time is in alignment with the celestial bodies, that are bringing forth the opening of the doorways, the star gates, and the transformational energies, that have been spoken of by the Pleiadians, and Syrians, and Arcturians and make way for the Andromedans to come forth and bring in the Higher Light.

The Pleiadians speak to call you to seek the Syrian star gate as it falls into the sun in the morning sky of this fifth night. The fifth night is ending, as it is passed the midpoint. The second Taurean moon awakens reality and it brings forth the survival values, in the understanding of knowing who you are and what you are to become.

This is a time when social changes are being brought into the world, and it is a day when the world needs to face directly the shifting from the fifth night energy towards the sixth day of blossoming and flowering of a new age of action and transformation.

From the chaos of the Piscean eclipse and the Arian influx of chaotic inspiration of ungrounded actions, there is a great awakening into the requirements for stability and grounding the planet. As we are moving from the Piscean age of mystery and confusion of Saviors and pain and sacrifice, we are seeing the Great Healing come forth of the Wayshowers of the Aquarian age.

These Wayshowers are coming forth in between these two full moons, as they are seeing that they are the leaders and the teachers, and they know the Path and they are the ones to bring forth this Energy.

The Wayshowers are disciplined and clear in their intent. They do not follow, they lead, they show the way, they are speaking forth and bringing into power who they are. They are organized and they work as One,They are in Oneness and they are in telepathic compatibility with their Collective, with their Group of Souls who have come forth.

~ Taurean ~

Taurean (Ascension)

Transcribed by: Twinflamelover
Proof Read by: iixlent

Within the Wayshowers there are the Indigo's, the Violets, the Crystals, the energies of those who are coming forth to break away and move into the New Age, and to bring into alignment, those who are seeking to join in this process of the Gold Ring and move into the Grand Portal. The World is part of this transformation that is following the influx of the humanity of Wayshowers, that are coming forth as Pleiadian and Syrian Energies, There is also the Arcturians that are filling in with love, the energy to bring forth a compassionate heart energy into the world. The Earth is the center of attention for this Galaxy as there are great Earth changes that are occurring. There will be more earthquakes, tornadoes, storms, cyclones and extremes of intense human energy facing starvation, war, survival, and loss of resources and sustainability. It is time that you awaken your Light and take power and be honest about the life on Earth. The Earth will accept nothing less as now your energy and your thoughts within humanity are changing the world. To be in Harmony is your empowerment. To be in distraction will lead to corruption and conflict.

The second full moon signifies a transformation of consciousness in direct reality in forceful manifestation. The planetary body of Jupiter representing expansion of transformation and philosophical awareness and appreciation is retrograde and it will move backwards through the summer until the fall. This is an overdue realignment with Divine Plan as all resources are under new management. The underlying conspiracies are being found out through overt obvious complicity and manipulation of financial and commodity markets, and the unreal exploitation of humanity utilizing weapons of mass destruction through the advent of black operations technologies. These technologies include H.A.A.R.P, Cern, Chem Trails, Scalared Waves and off world technologies.

There has been a massive amount of dis-information in the western media to keep the citizens of these countries, and the United States in particular, ignorant at the reality of the condition of the planet and the incoming higher frequencies of Enlightenment. The obvious and covert might of the US military and its associated corporate partners have utilized their corrupted power to install in invisible empire energized by fiat currency and media lies. The truth is seeping out under and through the walls of control and the ranks of dissidence and defectors are coming together in an equally covert revolution.

The root chakra needs of food, water and shelter are being used as weapons of war and privatize by fictitious soulless corporations. The soldiers who were forced and diluted into fighting wars of chaos and conquest, are now returning to their senses, although physically and mentally wounded for life their souls and spirits are rising up in defiance. The planet is seeking healing from the parasites and predators that have been devouring resources in a gluttonous gorging in every last pristine reserve.

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