💥 Toxicology vs Virology – Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud and How it Relates to the COVID Scam

1 year ago

In this video Dr. Sam Bailey teams up with F. William Engdahl, reading from a July 2022 article that he wrote. F. William Engdahl is an award-winning geopolitical analyst, strategic risk consultant, author, professor and lecturer. In July 2022, he published a brilliant essay titled “Toxicology vs Virology” that exposed the Rockefeller Institute’s role in creating virology. Using Polio as an example, it outlines how fictional “viruses” are used to advance medical tyranny. He revealed:
👉 Flexner’s fraudulent experiments
👉 The corruption of the American Medical Association
👉 How the Rockefellers controlled the Polio narrative
👉 The real causes of Poliomyelitis
👉 How it relates to COVID-19 and current globalist agendas and much more!
Original Article: http://williamengdahl.com/englishNEO12July2022.php
Polio and DDT info links site: http://whale.to/vaccine/polio_ddt_h.html
Science - DDT: https://tinyurl.com/x3bu7afs
Dr. Engdahl's Website: www.williamengdahl.com
Video source: drsambailey.com
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