Billionaires Crave Blocking Sun!

1 year ago

On June 26, 2023, "The European Union will join an international effort to assess whether large-scale interventions such as deflecting the sun’s rays or changing the Earth’s weather patterns are viable options for fighting climate change." Then on Jun 29, 2023, "The White House offered measured support for the idea of studying how to block sunlight from hitting Earth’s surface as a way to limit global warming, in a congressionally mandated report that could help bring efforts once confined to science fiction into the realm of legitimate debate."
We're telling you billionaires realize this is due in our future: “They will never again be hungry, they will never again be thirsty, the sun will not beat down on them, nor will any burning heat. Rev 7:16
Billionaires read the end of the Bible and realize the sun will be our enemy. They could repent, but they won't.

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