Tower of the Cosmic Heart Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Tower of the Cosmic Heart Energy Vlog Title is a marriage of the card of today July 2, 2023, thus we have #16 The Tower card busting iup Dogma or what does not serve us. The Starseed Oracle give us the card Cosmic Heart , Devotion, trust and Protection. The energy Vlog part is of course the schumann numbers.

The Schumann Resonance today Disclosure showed us an amplitude power of #6, the Lovers card, Harmonious love, a partnership based on love, balance and intuition. The quality power was 5.90, thus we have #14 Temperance Card. Thus we have Balance and a certain detachment from the drama. The frequency average was 7.91 Hertz, thus #17 the Star card. She brings us hope, a clarity of vision and just a bit of vulnerability. All together then we have the to0wer bringing down its artifice that no longer serve to bring the Lovers to a state of Temperance Beneath the Stars that fill them with hope and a clear vision for the future.

The space Weather New showed us a Class M CME at about a 45 degree angle from us here on earth. The solar wind density was at about nine protons per whatever. The speed was in the 350 (KPS) range adn the Temperature of the solar wind was around 90,000 Kelvin. The KP index started at an average of one got as high as 1.75 and ended at .1 thus we have almost no geomagnetic activity at all in the end.

We viewed a bit of a fox news segment mostly on the canadian fires plaguing the eastern part of USA. The canadian Government say it is due to global warmign but it is plain t o see that the fires were started and not due to the weather.

We pulled two card from the Starseed Oracle deck. They were the Cosmic Heart, with devotio, potency and make you live a moving prayer. I spoke of a meditation I often do where I connect to the heart of mother earth and the heart of the Sun to my heart and bask in the light between the two. The Second card was Star Brothers which I took to be Yeshua the anointed one. It also coild bemy sirus B brothers too of the sirian light brigade. Bringing us sHorus
Energy , Protection,Loyalty and Trust.
Schumann Resonance Todayb Site:
Space Weather News Site:
Fox News Canadian Fires:

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