H.B. 4474 ("hate" speech bill) targets Conservatives while applying BEST to Black Hebrew Israelites

1 year ago

House Bill 4474 is the amended "hate" speech bill, and it CLEARLY is meant to be WEAPONIZED against Conservatives, but its LOOSE wording would seem (I am not an attorney and offer no legal advice) to FAR MORE apply to the HATEFUL words and deeds of the Black Hebrew Israelites than ANYTHING comparable said or done by any Conservative man among us. This is why I went on record in front of the Black Hebrew Israelites AS SOON as I heard about this TERRIFYING bill that is expected to be signed into law by Michigan's governor, governor WITCHmer. The INEVITABLE (for it was by design from the start) TARGETING of Conservatives by this UNCONSTITUTIONAL INSULT to the Founding principles of America MUST be met with tit-for-tat legal considerations, namely, the EASILY-ACQUIRED vitriol that the Black Hebrew Israelites are KNOWN to spew (as I was setting up to film [I filmed myself reading H.B. 4474 in full prior to filming the short spot that I used for this video], a NUMBER of people, blacks included, walked past me [I was ACROSS THE STREET from the Black Hebrew Israelites at this point] and remarked to their friends with them their DISGUST with the HATEFUL rhetoric of the Black Hebrew Israelites. They could not help but attest what I have seen and heard and what your own eyes and ears can show you if you look into this HATE group.)


See H.B. 4474 YOURSELF: https://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(o4fovdmuzhwwmuyiiaz4h4zw))/mileg.aspx?page=BillStatus&objectname=2023-HB-4474


H.B. 4474 ("hate" speech bill) targets Conservatives while applying BEST to Black Hebrew Israelites




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