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A Shorter Live today where we will go through an interview with Jim Caviezel and Steve Bannon and we will break down each part of the conversation

The more information I look at the more obvious it is to see that there is something a little fishy going on

He is certainly lying through his teeth in this interview and once you bring awareness it becomes a lot more obvious to see. Many people in the movement are really struggling to even entertain this and go in cognitive dissonance

I feel we are being set up for a big surprise and shock factor in this awakening which will bring more and more people to the precipice

The world truly needs a shock factor and we have been told by Q that Scare event is necessary

Every part of our society is corrupted. From the worst of the worst crimes which will be shown in the upcoming movie Sound Of Freedom. This will bring awareness to Human Trafficking and get more of the masses paying attention

Next I feel we are going to start seeing the corruption at every other level start being brought into the light

Big names within this truth movement are involved with many crimes and although if we viewed them in isolation, they do not come close to Human Trafficking, we will still see how all of the money and connections link back up to these sick crimes

This awakening will come back to us as the individual having to make the choice which is God

Join me on Rumble and let us go through a number of talking points

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