Into The Grind // Full Moon in Capricorn

1 year ago

A Full Moon in Capricorn ruled by Mars in Leo and Saturn in Pisces brings a passionate, creative burst to this work oriented Moon. This Full Moon comes at a time when the astrology is about to change in big ways here in July.

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0:00 Introduction
2:44 Full Moon in Capricorn Chart: Details and Breakdown
6:17 A Moon of Endurance: Silo Character Juliette Nichols
7:49 Full Moon in Capricorn Chart: Flowing Trines and Sextiles
10:23 Venus and Mars Now Separating
12:12 Planets in Expansive Phase
13:56 Full Moon in Capricorn Chart: Additional Delineation
14:25 No Planets in Air Signs Currently
16:20 "Elections" for this Waning Phase of the Lunation
20:32 Conclusion

Disclaimer: Any prediction or other message that you receive from a video by S.J. Anderson is not a substitute for advice, programs, information, or treatment that you would receive from a licensed professional such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, financial adviser, etc. S.J. Anderson provides no guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind and will not be responsible for any interpretation or use made by you of the information, data, or advice mentioned in a video.

#astrology #FullMoon #Capricorn

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