Responsibility to Care - Our Brother's Keeper?

1 year ago

The daily news provides abundant examples of people failing to care for those for whom they are responsible. Recently the world witnessed the dramatic failure of the designer of the Titan submersible to put the safety of his crew ahead of his personal ambition. But that is just one of many examples where leaders, politicians, teachers, parents or others in positions of responsibility have failed to care for their people. At the very beginning of the story of humanity, God answers the question of, "Am I my brother's keeper?' with a resounding 'YES!" In fact the prophets continue this message with warnings couched in metaphor to the 'shepherds' who fail to care for their flock. Often God uses the lives of his people as object lessons to teach this important principle. The story of Jacob's sons who sell their pesky younger brother into slavery in Egypt is one such tale. In spite of jealousy, betrayal, and heartache, in the end the brothers learn that their sins will find them out. But they also learn the importance of being their brothers' keeper. Our challenge as God's people is to have his mind and heart and express to others the kind of love that reflects God's nature. We need to ask ourselves if we are being diligent in choosing what God prefers and then taking action for the benefit of those in our care.
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