Steven D Kelley, #OccupyTheGetty, FBI wants to WACO me, June 29, 2023

1 year ago

Steven D Kelley
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OccupyTheGetty/Steven D Kelley
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OccupyTheGetty/Steven D Kelley, [30 Jun 2023 at 21:18:58]:
Getty is Fact
Getty is not a Conspiracy -SDK
Paid Truthers can't say
Steven's name or Getty.
This Enemy has $$$
"All the Money in the World".
They use it to control the message.
Keep the masses from hearing about,
Under the Getty and Steven's
OccupyTheGetty Mission.
They won't sue me and they can't kill me -SDK
Getty with Teams of Attorneys must ignore OccupyTheGetty.
Because they understand energy.
And if the masses started having questions like, WTF Getty? Energy would flood in, minds wondering, prove by facts of so many puzzle peices.
Fuck all that
Open the DUMB Now
Open the lower levels under the Getty
All of it
Not a few token levels
Levtrains and deeper
Full disclosure
Shock the world
Under Getty proves MK Ultra
Under Getty proves Children trafficked, tunnels, trains, submarines. Ufo tech.
Nikola Tesla Free Energy.
SRA, sex slaves, Hollywood ties, breeding, organ harvesting, adrenochrome, cloning, political ties, mafia, true history,
unseen forces, magic.
Under The Getty.
Open it, full disclosure.
No one dies, nothing gets blown up.
Occupying proves it is all fact.
We use it.
We heal the World with the hidden Tech Under Getty.

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