r3tard play rando rpg maker games41(Nightmarena)

1 year ago

-default music default resolution default menus, its understandable though since its more like a prototype than a game
-nobody going to read a tutorial like that at the start
-need better control customization, since l use a mini keyboard l have to stick my finger to the special keyboard key so l can have arrow keys
-fireball was confusing until l saw one was fade in so fake
-waterfall need a button to idle without spending mana
-knight punch a bit too fast if you dont press while he is still at the initial spot you get hit
-big sword first hit is very hard to predict
-tp moves are confusing without reading the first post
-sword throw is too fast, never knew which position to go anyways
-shouldnt be auto attacking after 2 seconds, your turn should be turn based with attack, idle, mp attack 1/2/3
- l always think l can move forward with left so l end up wasting mp

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